Attention school personnel working with students with autism!
- Are you ready to do the deep dive into autism evidence-based interventions (EBPs)?
- Do you want to learn more about strategies based on applied behavior analysis (ABA)?
- Do you yearn to be skilled at achieving behavior change in students that foster independence, help students achieve best outcomes in terms of academics and adaptive functioning, and optimize your smoothly running classrooms and buildings?
- Do you want to achieve all this while earning graduate credit, certificates, and building a help network with colleagues and experts?
Project ACCESS invites educators (any personnel holding a teaching certificate or professional credential, including teachers, process coordinators, speech-language pathologists, etc.) to participate in a Project ACCESS educator professional development opportunity for school personnel working with students who have autism. We call this program the Project ACCESS Autism Credential (PAAC).
Due to current conditions, Project ACCESS has been making adjustments to this flagship professional development program that will meet these needs and more.
Among the modifications: The delivery method is now online! The price is now free for the year one credential.
The complete program is two years with OPT-IN for the second year which is not free but is low cost. You can choose to complete the first year and then make a decision/application for year two (year one participation is required for year two). Each year of training now offers an independent credential. Year two will include in-the-classroom coaching. You can read more on our PAAC Facts to learn what each year includes.
How do you apply?
- Acknowledge that the training takes one to two years depending on level of participation, requires internet access and a device for online learning. Each semester will be the equivalent of a 3-hour graduate level course in terms of time and effort commitment (earning college credit is optional for participants, but the time/effort load is the same). However, much of this work will take place in the classroom.
- You will need to enlist the support of your local building principal or other local administrator. This person must commit to participate in minimal (about 15-20 minutes each week) of training on how to support you as an educator. Administrator support is a key piece of the program.
- You will need to make sure that your district director of special education endorses your participation with a letter of recommendation. We will not ask your Special Education Director to do much, but we do want this person to sanction and support participation.
- Complete the online application at the following link: PAAC Application. We cannot accept applications after September 1.
If you have any questions, contact Project ACCESS at
#PAAC #AutismCredential