Gen Ed report due? Have questions about your role as general education coordinator? Curious about how your course fits into Missouri State’s General Education as a whole? During an informative session with the faculty members on CGEIP, they will answer your questions and you can write your Gen Ed Report before you leave. Additionally, attendees will share strengths of their course and are encouraged to share assignments, ideas, or stories with colleagues.
When: 10:40-11:30am | August 14, 2019
Where: PSU 313
The CGEIP faculty member presenters at this session will be:
- Dr. Keri Franklin
- Dr. Rich Biagioni
- Dr. John Strong
- Dr. LeAnn Brazeal
- Dr. Sarah Lancaster
- Dr. Josh Smith
Some takeaways we would like to accomplish during this session:
- Communicate directly with faculty on CGEIP. We want you to get to know their faces and ask questions regarding general education and general education assessment.
- Write your general education report alongside faculty who review.
- Share your ideas and strengths of the courses you teach.