What’s ahead for Missouri Migrant & English Language Learners
Greetings from the southwest MELL! Did you know that in our region we have more than 5,000 EL students? That number will continue to grow. Along with this growth are the new ESSA guidelines which require not only professional development directed toward the education of English learners, but a new accountability system to measure the language proficiency growth. To help meet your needs, there are many learning opportunities available to help your school increase the achievement gap for your English learners.
Speaker, Melissa Castillo in November!
The biggest event is set for November 5th when author and speaker Melissa Castillo conducts a day of learning at Missouri State. Melissa will be presenting Language and Literacy for ELLs. This workshop is perfect for mainstream classroom teachers and building principals. This day will include breakfast and lunch as well as her book and workbook. The event is already on My Learning Plan so sign up to reserve spots for you and your school team!
ELD collaboratives, webinars and Zoom meetings
At the state level, we have all the ELD collaboratives planned and available on the DESE website. Here you will also find some WIDA workshops around the state. https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/english-language-development-eld.
In addition, there will be several webinars and zoom meetings. If you are not on my mailing list, please send an email to mclinkenbeard@missouristate.edu. I will be sending out new and updated information regularly. I am available for onsite professional development, phone calls or meeting to help strategize for your district, and can even help with Lau Plans and getting your district up and ready to offer the Seal of Biliteracy.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Merica Clinkenbeard
MELL Instructional Specialist / Missouri State University Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning
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