Educational Equity
Educational Equity is a buzzword that has recently become a new focus for Missouri schools. What does that mean? According to Wikipedia, Educational equity, also referred to as equity in education, is a measure of achievement, fairness, and opportunity in education. The study of education equity is often linked with the study of excellence and equity. The key words there are “fairness and opportunity”.
An example of Equity in Education
There will be multiple factors that districts will need to consider, ranging from how many teachers have provisional certification, or certification in another field, to whether or not beginning teachers are being assigned to the lowest income or lowest performing schools at a higher rate than schools not in those categories. Consider this as an example; Let’s say at Kindergarten, teacher A is a first year teacher, while teacher B and C are veterans teachers. Teacher A’s class will, most likely, not receive quite the same level of instruction as those children in Teacher B or C’s class. Suppose 33% of those Teacher A students end up with a first year teacher the next year. And of those kids, maybe in year 3 of their schooling, the majority end up yet again with a first year teacher. Would it be fair to say those students likely have not gotten the same level of instruction with 3 years of first year teachers? Will that create gaps in their learning that other children won’t experience? Is that fair?
Join Us for an Equity Lab
In the past, the question has been, do administrators even pay attention to those equity details? Now the question will become “What is your plan to ensure that, as much as is possible, all students have access to a quality education in your district?”
For more information on how to prepare for your own district’s equity plan, join us at the ATLL on November 20th for a DESE Equity Lab opportunity! Equity Labs are best utilized by the district if a team attends. Please consider bringing a team that represents your district. The November 20th Equity Lab at the MSU Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning is a NO COST opportunity to southwest Missouri districts.
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