Have you ever thought that you’d like to be in college again, but know what you know now? Now you can share that wisdom with current Bears.
The Alumni Association is searching for alumni who are available to speak with students for an hour during a group or organization meeting.
Christy Dempsey has done it. She recommends speaking for 30 minutes, leaving the second half of the hour open for questions, and says it’s easy to speak about your expertise, even to a group.
“It’s talking about yourself and what you do. You know it really well and can answer any questions students have for you – you’ve got it,” she said. “You can’t screw it up because it’s you. It’s not an exam.”
For Dempsey, chief nursing officer at Press Ganey, it’s a way to contribute to her alma mater in a more personal way.
“I wouldn’t be where I am without Missouri State University; my children wouldn’t be where they are without Missouri State University. It’s important to me to give back not just financially, but with time and talents,” Dempsey said.
Hearing alumni speak can provide encouragement to current students, which Student Body Vice President Brianna Duda calls “priceless.”
“Hearing alum talk about their successes empowers us and reminds us that someday we will have success of our own. It also shows that they care about the university, even post-graduation,” Duda said.
Dempsey says she has to stay open to learning in the health field. That is where giving BearTalks helps her as much as the students.
“I’m a firm believer that if you want to improve you have to ask the people doing the work, (and) university students have a perspective we need to hear,” Dempsey said.
Give here
Give your talents a place to shine and impact the future. You select the areas of expertise you’d like to discuss and share your contact information. Next you’ll be contacted to confirm the topic, organization you’ll speak to and dates available. If you don’t live in the area, you can still speak to students via Skype or other options.
Show future alumni what it means to be a Citizen Bear with BearTalks.
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