Hi Everyone! My name is Michael Chapman and I am a junior Public Relations major at Missouri State. Entering college as a first-generation college student, I had no clue what exactly I was getting myself into. This idea rang clear in regards to how classes would be on the collegiate level. I was lucky enough to pass with flying colors during my high school classroom experience because of the increased time in the classroom, repetition, and automatic guidance and reliance from my teachers. College classes are not exactly equal to those expectations.
With college classes comes accountability. You are the ultimate decider to your success in and out of the classroom. With this great power, comes great responsibility. However, Missouri State University is a great place to be because of the amazing resources they provide to their students. There are many notable academic resources on campus for all students and I am so excited to highlight them for you today!
The first resource that is available for students is the Bear CLAW! The Bear Claw is located in the Meyer Library right up the ramp and straight ahead. They also have tutoring over ZOOM available which is a great alternative in the midst of COVID-19. You can schedule an appointment with them online at https://bearclaw.missouristate.edu/TutorTrac-Schedule.htm where they have very detailed instructions on how to schedule an appointment. They have a variety of student tutors in many different areas and they love helping students succeed.
I personally have not used the Bear CLAW for tutoring (even though I should have). However, I utilized the Bear CLAW in a unique way. I utilized it for study tips. The Bear CLAW offers many workshops on how to study, how to take tests, and how to be successful in the high school to college transition. These free workshops saved my grade and made me an overall more confident student. I highly recommend everyone utilize the amazing resources of the Bear CLAW because they are totally free and incredible to work with.
The second resource for academic excellence comes from the Writing Center which is conveniently within the Bear CLAW and can be accessed the same way by scheduling an appointment here: https://bearclaw.missouristate.edu/TutorTrac-Schedule.htm. The Writing Center has brilliant staff members who are able to take your paper from 0-100 real quick in the best way possible. They can even help you with your paper from beginning to end. All for free! I have personally used the Writing Center for my papers, especially for the editing process. My visits to the Writing Center not only helped my current paper, but the staff gave me tips that I keep with me for every paper I write and beyond.
The final resource I want to highlight is the Student Success Hotline. The Student Success Hotline is a text service where you can contact the University with general questions, comments, concerns regarding academic success. If you are having a hard time with a professor that you have already addressed directly with them, if you are struggling to get a response from an advisor, if you are having troubles navigating assignments online, whatever the case may be the Student Success Hotline can help you out! You can reach them at 417-250-2033, or you can visit the website to submit a question online as well at: https://www.missouristate.edu/studentsuccess/ .
I know that it takes some effort to admit you need help. I personally struggled with that my freshman year of college. However, it is so important to be proactive in your studies because it can truly pay off in the long run. Don’t be too hard on yourself with academics either. If you get anything less than an 100% your heart will go on!
Please know your worth extends beyond your academics and these amazing resources will always be there to help you if you need it! Just in case someone hasn’t told you this today, I believe in your success and you are capable of learning and achieving anything you put your effort towards. I am so glad you have chosen Missouri State as the place to advance your academic career. You came to the right place! Have a great rest of your week and GO BEARS!
(submitted by Michael Chapman (he/him/his); Missouri State University Junior | B.S. Public Relations; Orientation and Transition Programs | Orientation Assistant; Student Government Association | Speaker Pro Tempore; Beartones | Secretary; Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity)