Challenge yourself to diversify you’re interests and your events – you never know what you may learn.
- Phil Woods, Assistant Coach, Men’s Soccer
The good, bad, difficult, fun, and stressful times that you will face through the next four years will be the best of your life. Even if you’re homesick now, it’ll get better.
- Holly Hesse, Head Coach, Women’s Softball
With Missouri State baseball a huge focus for us is in the mental skills department. We think developing our athletes in this area gives our guys an edge on the field but also off the field in their everyday life. Our Coach’s Tip from our staff is to create a “Morning Routine”. This creates consistency with your day and allows you to start off your day with some small victories. When our guys start establishing a morning routine, we see it impact the rest of their day in the classroom, on the field and in the weight room.
- Joey Hawkins, Associate Head Coach/Recruiting Coordinator, Baseball
Be here now.
Be present in the moment because that is all we can truly control. The past is written in pen, not erasable. The future is in pencil. Plans are great but things can always change either way. The present is now, so own it and control what YOU can to make it the best!
- Russ Friedland, Associate Head Coach, Volleyball
Set Goals. A vision is great, but you need a path to reach that vision. Set specific daily, weekly, and monthly goals that lead to the vision(s) you have.
- Nick Petree, Assistant Coach, Baseball
The people you surround yourself with either raise or lower your standards. Constantly be working towards developing an inner circle that challenges you to be the best version of yourself!
Being nervous about a high pressure situation (competition, exam, etc.) means that you care about the outcome! Make sure that you focus that nervous energy on being excited about all of the things that could go right, not being nervous about what could go wrong.
- Chelsea Dirks-Ham, Associate Head Coach, Swimming and Diving
Create good habits from day 1! Don’t wait until your Junior or Senior year to take care of the small things. Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and eat healthy. Build in time for homework as well as down time.”
- AJ Lux, Assistant Coach, Volleyball