The Arkansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is a way for students from several disciplines to collaborate in the science they all love. This year, the conference was held in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Several biology students attended. Two undergraduate students from Dr. Kyoungtae Kim’s lab presented their research. Cullen Horstamann: “A … [Read more...] about Undergraduate research showcased at conference
The Missouri Herpetological Association (MHA) held their annual meeting Sept. 29 at Missouri State’s Bull Shoals Field Station. Several Missouri State undergraduate and graduate students presented at the meeting. An * denotes those who presented at the meeting. Authors who are not a part of Missouri State will have their college noted at the end. Ethan C. Hollender*, … [Read more...] about Biology students present research at Bull Shoals Field Station
Meagan Rippee-Brooks started her thesis research early. How early? She started it in her undergraduate years. After learning from graduate student lab mentors, she started her research her senior year. About Rippee-Brooks's research Rippee-Brooks's research centers around co-infections. When someone gets influenza A, their immune system is too busy fighting the flu to … [Read more...] about From excited undergrad to capable grad student
The Annual Joint Meeting of the Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches of the American Society of Microbiology saw many familiar faces March 9-10. Eight MSU students trekked to Kansas City, Kansas, to share research and network. Three students were recognized for their presentations. About the participants Drs. Kyoungtae Kim, professor of biology and associate dean of … [Read more...] about Sharing research and gaining experience
Being able to see several disciplines in one conference is a wonderful thing. At Arkansas IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (InBre), representatives from PAMS and BIO were there to present their work. For the biology department Several biology students presented their work. Cullen Horstman, one of Dr. Kyoungtae Kim's undergraduate students, won honorable … [Read more...] about PAMS and BIO join for common interest