Recommendations released this week from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) focus on sodium intake. It’s a common habit to “pass the salt” and new research shows that is something we may need to change.
The IOM report states the average American adult consumes about 3,400 mg of sodium each day. The recommendations are to keep sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg daily. Why? High levels of salt intake in the diet are associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
Enjoying salty foods is an acquired taste. It will take awhile to recondition the taste buds and spring/summer is a great time to start. A sure sign of warmer weather, farmer’s markets are now up and running and overloaded with fresh fruits and vegetables. Fill your plate with produce and try these other tips from the American Dietetic Association to cut sodium:
1. Skip using salt in cooking
2. Taste food before salting it
3. Avoid canned foods
4. Use herbs in cooking. Try growing your own…it’s inexpensive and easy to do
5. Check food labels and buy low-sodium products
6. Hide the salt shaker (out-of-sight, out-of-mind)