Looking for Summer Courses? Check out our schedule below.
Summer 2020 Schedule
- May 18 – Summer Intersession classes begin
- May 25 – Memorial Day holiday (no classes)
- June 5 – Summer Intersession classes end
- June 8 – Summer Classes begin
- July 3 – Independence Day observed (no classes)
- July 29 – Last day of classes
- July 30-31 – Final exams
- August 3 – Fall intersession classes begin
- August 14 – Last day of classes
Spring Intersession
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM 303: Capital Punishment
- CRM 306: Criminal Profiles
- CRM 312: Legalization of Marijuana
- CRM 327: Radical Environmental and Animal Rights Terrorism
- CRM 397: Charles Manson and Family
Summer Session
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM 210: Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System
- CRM 220: Criminology
- CRM 250: Policing
- CRM 301: Movies, Media and Crime
- CRM 335: Criminal Typologies
- CRM 340: Research Methods: Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM 383: Serial Killers
- CRM 415: Difference/Diversity Criminology
- CRM 496: Senior Seminar/Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM 697: Counterterrorism
Department of Economics
- ECO 101: Economics of Social Issues
- ECO 155: Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 165: Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 316: Sports/Entertainment Economics
- ECO 504/604: Health Care Economics
- ECO 600: Fundamentals of Economics
Department of History
- HST 103: World Civilization to 1500
- HST 121: United States to 1877
- HST 122: United States Since 1877
- HST 350: Latin American Civilization
- HST 518/618: Colonial America
- HST 629: Plagues and Pandemics
- HST 701: Historiography/History Methods
- HST 775: Mid East History Readings Seminar
- HST 792: World History Primary Source Seminar
Department of Philosophy
- PHI 110: Introduction to Philosophy
- PHI 115: Ethics and Contemporary Issues
Department of Political Science
- PLS 101: American Democracy
- PLS 205: Comparative Government
- PLS 232: International Relations
- PLS 497/797: How to Conduct Survey Research
Department of Religious Studies
- REL 100: Introduction to Religion
- REL 210: Paths of World Religions
- REL 530/635: History of Pentecostalism
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- ANT 100: World Cultures
- ANT 303: Cultural Anthropology
- ANT 351: Field Archaeology
- SOC 150: Introduction to Society
- SOC 152: Social Problems in the Community
- SOC 315: The Family
- SOC 325: Introduction to Sociological Theory
- SOC 397: Social Inequality Health and Aging
Fall Intersession
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM 309: Bad Girls
- CRM 312: Legalization of Marijuana
- CRM 328: Jihadist Terrorism/Violence
- CRM 397: Criminal Brain
- CRM 397: Hostage Negotiations
Department of Economics
- ECO 397: Economics of Aging
For further information contact: CHPA@MissouriState.edu