Connections among theory, research, and practice are the heart and soul of criminology. This book offers a comprehensive and balanced introduction to criminology, demonstrating the value of understanding the relationships between criminological theory, research, and practice in the study of crime and criminal behavior. Utilizing a range of case studies and thought-provoking … [Read more...] about Congratulations to Aida Hass on the publication of “Criminology Connecting Theory, Research and Practice” … [Read more...] about
Dr. Pam Sailors, Associate Dean, recently had a chapter published in Defining Sport (The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group). The “Borderline Cases” looks at the popular “fitness” trends of CrossFit, Tough Mudder, and Spartan Race to determine whether these borderline cases should be classified as sports. … [Read more...] about Recent Publication
The newly revised and expanded 4th edition of Dr. Victor Matthews' book Old Testament Parallels: Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East (Paulist Press, 2016) has just been published. It is an anthology of ancient Near Eastern literature, laws, political documents, and stories that share parallel themes and in some cases parallel historical events with biblical narratives … [Read more...] about Book revision published
Congratulations to Dr. Jamaine Abidogun on her edited collection out later this month entitled, Issues in African Political Economies. … [Read more...] about New History Publication