It is time for students to complete the scholarship application forms online to be eligible for scholarships in Fall 2012-Spring 2013! We want to encourage all students in Counseling, Educational Leadership, Special Education, and Student Affairs in Higher Education to apply for scholarships for the 2012-13 academic year.
For all students planning to return to campus in Fall 2012, please go to this website to review all scholarship information: On that site you will find general scholarship policies, eligibility for specific scholarships, and information for all levels of scholarship opportunities (i.e., Freshman Scholarships, Transfer Scholarships, General & Departmental Scholarships, Student Government Association Leadership Scholarships, Graduate Student Scholarships, etc.). The deadline for submitting the online application is March 1, so please apply as soon as possible!
Unbelievably, every year we have scholarship funds that we cannot award because no one with specific credentials unique to one or more scholarships will have applied. There are some scholarships that target specific high schools, specific counties of residence or high school graduation, or activities and interests that were of particular importance to the person(s) who endowed that scholarship. Every student should apply, as one never knows how his/her situation will compare to the criteria for each specific scholarship. [To review all scholarships in the field of education, go to the following website (, click on the Search Tool link, enter the keyword “education”, and click “Search”.]
Of particular interest at the Graduate level are two endowed scholarships. The Aileen and Keith Ford Endowed Scholarship is for a first-year graduate student who earned an undergrad degree at Missouri State University. The Basil and JoAnn Boritzki Scholarship is designated for graduate students who have the intention of teaching in a publicly supported educational institution (K-12 or college). See this website for information on both of these scholarships: In addition, for Counseling majors, the Inmon Scholarship is designated specifically to fund tuition and fees for one full-time Counseling graduate student – very highly prized scholarship! There are other COE scholarships that are targeted to students at the graduate level, or that allow recipients from either undergrad/grad level, so again – all students are encouraged to apply!
Of particular interest to undergraduate Special Education majors is the Emily Nelson Moseley Memorial Scholarship. This large endowed scholarship is specifically for students who plan to teach special education. In the past, we have funded several scholarships in one academic year, and it is renewable with no need to reapply. It is also not linked to “financial need”, so the awards are based on the academic performance of students who are at least at the sophomore level. I would encourage ALL special education undergraduate students to apply for scholarships, as we usually award several of these & we have several Moseley recipients graduating this spring. And, as with graduate students, there are many scholarships that may apply to your specific situation, so please complete the online application form this spring.
We know your education means a great deal to you, and these are challenging financial times for everyone. We would love to have a large applicant pool to review for scholarship consideration. Follow guidelines on this website ( to locate the online application form and apply by March 1st! We look forward to awarding many well-deserved students with scholarship funds this year!!