It feels like fall and the semester has started off with great news on Legacy Day. We are well on our way to meeting our capital campaign goal and I am confident that CNAS will be a major player in the campaign.
Funding for external projects continues to flow in to CNAS. Thank you, thank you, thank you for submitting the proposals.
Faculty Research Grant Proposals are due on September 28 – (Don’t forget to give your department head and dean time to read your proposal and write their comments.)
Ø If the department feels the need to change performance rating criteria for faculty evaluation for compensation you must do so by October 2.
Ø All application materials for promotion (including promotion to senior instructor) and tenure are due to department heads by October 9.
Ø Departmental committees review all promotion/tenure materials and submit their recommendations and rationale to the department head by October 30. (Candidate receives a copy and has three days to review, respond and sign.)
Ø Summer Fellowship Proposals (university funds) are due November 2 –
Ø Sabbatical Applications will be due to the Dean’s office on November 2.
Ø Department head reviews all promotion/tenure materials and submits recommendation and rationale to candidate by November 20. (Candidate receives a copy and has three days to review, respond and sign.)
Ø College Dean reviews all promotion/tenure materials and submits recommendation and rationale to candidate by December 16. (Candidate has three days to review, respond, and sign.)
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