Faculty research grant proposals are due September 27, 2010. Please remember that these both a department head and dean signature – please give us time to read, comment and sign.
Summer Faculty Fellowship Applications are due November 1, 2010. Once again, please remember that these both a department head and dean signature – please give us time to read, comment and sign.
Calendar for faculty evaluation for the fall semester (only involves promotion/tenure and second year faculty)
October 8 – All faculty applying for promotions (including to senior instructor) must have portfolios turned in to heads. You turn this over to departmental committee by October 11 with external review letters included.
October 8 – Review for any second year faculty – Committee and department head must submit a written review!
October 29 – Departmental committees must submit their recommendations with written rationale to heads by this date on the form attached to this email. Faculty receives copy of this recommendation and written rationale and has three days to review, respond, sign and return to head (November 1-3, 2010).
November 19 – Department head must complete their written assessment and recommendation to applicants. Faculty receives a copy of this recommendation and written rationale and has three days to review, respond, sign and return to head. (November 22-24, 2010). (Form is attached above!)
All portfolios are to be in the dean’s office by November 24. The college personnel committee will have November 29-December 3 to read and review files. I will want to meet with the committee early in the week of December 6 to hear their evaluation and recommendations (oral only). I will also want to meet with all candidates for promotion/tenure sometime between December 8-15. My goal will be to have my evaluations done by December 16 so that faculty can review, respond, sign and turn back in by December 22. All portfolios are due to provost office by December 23.
CNAS Public Lecture Series – Please post, attend and bring your friends and neighbors!!! Melida Gutierrez will be speaking on Tuesday, September 14!!
Provost Open Forums – September 15 (3-5 PM, PSU400), October 20 (3-5 PM, PSU Ballroom East), November 17 (3-5 PM, PSU Ballroom East)
President’s State of the University Address – September 28 (NOON, PSU Theatre)
The 2010-2011 University Committee Handbook can be found at http://www.missouristate.edu/assets/provost/Committees_Handbook_2010-2011.pdf
The Faculty Handbook effective August 16th can be found at
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