CNAS Faculty and Staff –
On August 31, 2012 the college had an assessment workshop. A summary of that workshop is attached along with CNAS goals for 2012-2013. All assessment documents are currently still on a Blackboard site – CNAS Assessment. These are all being transferred to the college website. The link will be sent when this site is complete. Assessment Update Fall 2012
Questions that HLC reviewers will be asking about assessment (from the HLC website). More importantly, questions we should all be asking about our programs –
1. How are your stated student learning outcomes appropriate to your mission, programs, degrees, and students?
2. What evidence do you have that students achieve your stated learning outcomes?
3. In what ways do you analyze and use evidence of student learning?
4. How do you ensure shared responsibility for assessment of student learning?
5. How do you evaluate and improve the effective- ness of your efforts to assess and improve student learning?
6. What steps, if any, is your institution taking to assure full, accurate, and open disclosure about the degree to which students are achieving stated learning outcomes, as well as plans to improve that achievement?
First CNAS Public Lecture of the Semester is Tuesday, September 18th – Please join us at 7:30 pm, Temple Hall 002 CNAS Public Lecture Series Fall 2012
I am one of two representatives of CNAS on the Public Affairs Conference Advisory Committee. The theme for this year’s Public Affairs Conference is “Inclusive Excellence.” The committee is currently looking for suggestions for speakers for the conference who might be appropriate for this theme. If you have any recommendations for speakers, I would appreciate it if you sent them to me ( The only requirement for speakers is that they CANNOT be residents of the state of Missouri. Feel free to send me names along with a short description about why that person would make a good speaker for the conference. We would like to make sure various perspectives are well represented at the conference, so suggestions of people who would also represent the interests of the College of Natural and Applied Sciences are especially welcome. Thanks for your time.
Matt Wright
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Public Affairs Week starts September 17 –
Our first Course Transformation/Teaching Workshop/Seminar was held on September 7. It was an awesome success!!! The first set of speakers got us off to a great start and set the bar high for the next one in October – specifically October 5 at 3:00 PM. The presentations generated many questions and even an email discussion that went on through the weekend!!! This is an opportunity to share what’s happening in your classroom, talk about data collected related to student success, and learn about new technologies. If you are interested in speaking or planning future seminars – please contact me. I’ll be setting up a committee soon!!!
“Outcasts United” by Warren St. John – Copies of the book are available for you to borrow if you are interested in reading. Please contact Gale in the dean’s office.
Book Discussion – Friday, September 21 at noon in the Union Club – We have two tables reserved. Please contact Gale Lininger to reserve a seat at the table. (This is a buy your own lunch event.)
Book Discussion – Thursday, September 27 at 4:00 PM in Temple Hall room 107
Have a great week!!!
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