CNAS Faculty/Staff –
First of all – thank you for all you do!!! We are getting closer and closer to midterm time and I know that the students appreciate your passion and energy! I appreciate your passion and energy for your discipline and for the students. Thank you! I hope that the weeks ahead are productive. In the next CNAS News I hope to list several faculty and alumni accomplishments. If you would like to be on the list – please send an email to Gale Lininger or me. Tammy
Important Dates for the next several weeks –
September 24 2013 Summer Faculty Fellowship applications due to Graduate College (Please remember that your department head needs time to write comments and sign. Your dean also needs time to sign the application.)
September 23-25 ABET Accreditation Team on campus for Computer Science program reaccreditation
September 25 Proposals for October 9 College Council meeting are due to dean’s office
September 25 Career Fest for all students!
September 27 Majors Fair (9AM – 3 PM)
September 27 CNAS Book Discussion – “Outcasts United” – Temple 107
September 28 All instructors applying for senior instructor must have their portfolios turned in to department heads by this date.
September 28 All faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure must have their portfolios turned in to department heads by the date.
September 28 Faculty, Student & Staff Seminar – Creating an Interactive & Engaging Online Math Atmosphere, Cheek 173, 3:00
October 1 MSU at OTC Day
October 1 Department heads turn portfolios for promotion/tenure over to the departmental promotion and tenure committee
October 2 2012 Springfield College and Career Fair
October 5 Course Transformation/Teaching Sharing Date – 3:00 pm, Temple 002
October 5 Thesis Research Funding Applications Due
October 6 Expanding Your Horizons – CHHS is hosting
October 9 College Council meeting
October 9 Author of “Outcasts United” will be on campus. Free tickets are available.
October 10-11 HRA Recruiter’s Fair
October 12 CNAS/JVIC Meeting 3-5 pm at JVIC (Agenda to follow)
October 13 Fall Showcase Recruitment Event
October 16 Fall CNAS Public Lecture Series, Meeting our Future Energy Needs: Materials under Extreme Environments, Dr. Robert Mayanovic, Temple 002, 7:30 pm
October 18-19 Fall Break
October 22 Departmental promotion/tenure committees must submit their assessments and recommendation for promotion/tenure to department head by this date.
You are invited to participate in the Fall 2012 commencement ceremony to be held on Friday, December 14 at 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM in JQH Arena. In order to facilitate your participation, the University will assume the cost of renting your gown. Our contract allows each participant to keep his or her cap and hood for use in future commencement ceremonies.
If you plan to participate in the Fall 2012 commencement, please complete and return the regalia order form. The form can be found at the following link:
You can send your completed form by campus mail, email (reply to Julie Spinabella in the Office of Enrollment Services) or it can be faxed to 836-5992. You will receive confirmation via email from Julie Spinabella. The deadline for ordering regalia is October 12, 2012. We cannot process late requests. If you have questions, please call Julie Spinabella (Ext. 6-4329).
Regalia will be available at Missouri State Bookstore beginning Monday, December 10 through Thursday, December 13.
Fall Commencement – JQH Arena – December 14, 2012
12:30 p.m. Ceremony
College of Business
College of Education
4:00 p.m. Ceremony
College of Arts and Letters
College of Health and Human Services
College of Humanities and Public Affairs
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
William H. Darr School of Agriculture
Global Studies majors
Dr. Tammy Jahnke
Dean, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Missouri State University |
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