Several CNAS faculty/staff have been recognized at basketball games in 2014. Their “maroon minutes” are part of the news link! I hope you take the time to see what your colleagues are doing!
The sponsored program activity report from July – December 2013 presented to the Board of Governors last week is attached. Thank you to all who have submitted grants/contracts. Congratulations to all who have received external funding!!! Sponsored Program Activity Report through December 2013
STEM Outreach Activities – I am attempting to put together a log of our outreach activities in CNAS. CNAS Faculty and Student groups are active in our community and I am attempting to log these activities in an attempt to also publicize the work that we are doing in this area. I have attached my latest draft. Please send me any 2014 events that have happened or will happen (along with dates and people involved) so that I can add to our list. AND THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED IN OUTREACH! THIS IS OUR MISSION! STEM Outreach Activities 2 8 2014
Interested in a Challenge? See the attached! I hope that several of you will consider a submission to this competition!
Seminars in CNAS including CNAS Public Lectures! –
Tuesday Evening, February 11 at 7:30 PM in Temple 003 – “Mistaken Identity: Sikhs in America” – Dr. Rajinder Jutla, CNAS Public Lecture Series SP14-2
Please keep your Master Advisor status current by attending workshops – here are two opportunities! If you are interested in becoming a Master Advisor please register for the next class –
Master Advisor Refresher Workshop
Facilitated by Susan Martindale
Friday, February 14 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
University Hall 200
Space is limited and registration is required at
Designed for those whose Master Advisor designation has lapsed or for those who
wish to complete the year’s recertification requirements in one session.
Topics to be covered include: changes in general education, reverse transfer, and programs and services for first-year students.
Advising International Students
Presented by Susan Martindale, Jamie Schweiger, Randy Dillon and Patrick Parnell
Wednesday, March 19 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Plaster Student Union 315
Space is limited and registration is required at
This workshop is designed to equip advisors to effectively assist international students by providing information on the nuts and
bolts of immigration, as well as enhancing cultural awareness through video vignettes and presentations. A panel of
international students will discuss their experiences at Missouri State University.
Science Olympiad is February 22. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help with this event. The event schedule is attached. All are welcome to join us for the awards ceremony at 3:30 PM in McDonald Arena!!! 2014 Science Olympiad Schedule
MSPE Discover Engineering Day is also February 22 at Plaster Center for Free Enterprise. Our engineering faculty are hosting this event on campus from noon-3:00 PM.
Spring Events – A look ahead!
February 20-21 HRA ProStart competitions (high school competition)
February 22 Science Olympiad (STEM middle school/high school competition)
February 22 MSPE Discover Engineering Day, 12:00-3:00, Plaster Center
March 4 CNAS Public Lecture series, speaker: Dr. Kartik Ghosh/PAMS
March 4 HRA BOA speaker, Steve Joyce, 2:00-3:00, PSU theatre
March 5-6 HRA Recruiter’s Fair
March 7 MO Junior Academy of Science
March 10 nominations due for Missouri State University Wall of Fame,
March 10-16 Spring Break
March 26 All nominations for CNAS faculty/staff awards due today –
Mar 31-Apr 3 Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair
April 5 Ozarks First STEAM Summit (STEM plus Arts) – Who should attend: Community Members interested in S.T.E.A.M. within the Ozarks Region– Business & Industry Leaders, Government Officials, Superintendents, Administrators, District Curriculum Representatives, Public & Private PreK-20 Educators, Homeschoolers, Informal & Afterschool Representatives, and concerned citizens. COST $30 I will distribute flyers just as soon as I have them as well as a link to the website for the summit.
April 8 CNAS Public Lecture series, speaker: Dr. Paul Rollinson/GGP
April 8-11 Public Affairs Conference: Global Perspective-Why It Matters
April 9 Pummill Relays (Competition for HS students)
April 16 HRA Springfield Hotel & Lodging Association luncheon, 11:30-1:30, Kentwood Hall
April 17-20 Spring Holiday
April 21 All-University Faculty Recognition Reception – 3:30 PM, PSU Ballroom
April 24 Chemistry Recognition banquet, 6:30, Union Club
April 24-25 Collaborative Diversity Conference
April 25-26 Women’s Leadership Conference
April 29 CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards reception 3:30 PM, Carrington 208
May 3 Graduate College IDF
May 6 CNAS Undergraduate Research Day (2-5 PM, PSU)
May 16 CNAS Spring Commencement, 5:00 pm, JQH Arena
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