Graduate College IDF will be held on Saturday, May 3. There will be four presentation sessions between 8:00 AM – NOON on third floor of the PSU. The closing ceremony and presentation of awards begins at 12:10 PM in the PSU Theatre. I look forward to seeing you there! 53 CNAS Graduate Students will be presenting at this year’s forum!
CNAS Undergraduate Research Day will be held on Tuesday, May 6 in the PSU Ballroom from 2 pm – 5 pm. Poster Session – 2:00-3:45 PM, Guest Speaker – 4:00 PM, Awards Ceremony 4:30 PM. Please invite students from your classes to see the outstanding research that their peers are doing! There will be 50 undergraduate research posters!
CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards Recognition – The press release is attached. Congratulations to all award winners!!! CNAS Awards 2014 – Press Release 4 30 2014
The CNAS website will be updated with the 2014 winners soon!
I would like to thank all departmental personnel committees who took the time to nominate their colleagues! This process would not work if we had no nominations! I would also like to thank this year’s award committee. They took their charge seriously and they worked very hard to evaluate all nominations fairly.
Time for the 2nd annual end of the year CNAS picnic. Please plan to attend and celebrate another successful year with your peers and fellow CNAS family.
· Who: All CNAS- students, grad students, staff, faculty, administrators AND families!!!
· When: Friday, May 9, 2014 4:00-7:00 PM
· Where: Phelp’s Grove Pavilion 950 E. Bennett Street, Springfield, MO
· What: Picnic/Bring a dish/ Celebration
· What else? Hot dogs and fixin’s provided along with beverages.
· What should I bring?
o A dish to share (see sign- up sheet with name assignments)
§ What to bring? … Last name begins with
§ A-E = Appetizers
§ F-M = Side Dishes
§ N-S = Salads
§ T-Z = Desserts
o Musical instruments if you’d like to perform
o Outdoor games (we’ll have a few there)
o Paper plates, cups, napkins and disposable silverware (department heads could you please provide these items?)
On behalf of the CNAS Diversity Committee (coordinating this event) we hope to see you there!
If you know of news that is not listed please submit a short description to your department head or to me.
Some Due Dates for Departments and the dean –
May 15 Outside activity reports with summary report written by head are due to dean’s office.
May 15 All College Committees must submit annual reports
May 19 Grades are due by 10:00 AM
June 1 Heads Update Projected Course Offerings System
June 2 Department Annual Reports due today
June 30 College Annual Report due to Provost
Upcoming Important Dates – Summer and Fall 2014 –
June 9 Summer Session and SOAR Starts
August 1 Summer Commencement
August 11 All graduate students and faculty return to work for orientations, meetings, etc
August 13 Showcase for Teaching and Learning, 8:00-1:00, PSU
August 14 All Faculty lunch, 11:30, PSU Ballroom
August 18 Fall Semester Classes Begin
August 20 State of the College Address 3:30 PM (Temple Hall 001)
September 16 CNAS Public Lecture series, Jorge Rebaza, 7:30 pm, Temple 002
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