Commencement – May 16, 2014
CNAS Graduation Reception for Graduates and Family Members – Carrington Auditorium (Room 208) (All Faculty are welcome to join us.)
2:30 p.m.
Refreshments/photographs (Graduates and families interested in pictures are invited to come early for this opportunity!)
3:15 p.m.
Welcome from Dean Tamera Jahnke (The formal program starts at 3:15)
3:25 p.m.
Introduction of graduates by department (Department Heads introduce graduates. Associate Deans distribute honors cords and gifts from the college.)
4:10 p.m.
Group picture of all graduates and faculty (in robes) on the steps of Carrington Hall
4:15 p.m.
Walk to Hammons Student Center as a group to line up in preparation for all to receive their diplomas.
5:00 p.m.
Commencement Ceremony at JQH Arena
Recent Grant Awards to Faculty and Staff!!!
Steve Younger and Emmett Redd – Congratulations on your continuing award with the National Science Foundation for “Super-Turing Computation and Brain-Like Intelligence”!
Diane May, Dorothy Wittorf-Sandgren, and David Faucett -Congratulations on your contract with the Missouri Department of Public Safety through the Missouri Association of Council of Governments for the FirstNet Broadband Initiative!
Lynn Robbins – Congratulations on your grant from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for “The Mammals of Current River State Park and Camp Zoe”!
Ron Malega – Congratulations on your award from the Georgia Real Estate Fraud Prevention & Awareness Coalition for “Assessing Neighborhood Changes in Mortgage Fraud-Impacted Areas”!
Jill Black and Diann Thomas – Congratulations on receiving a second year of funding for the Early Elementary Environmental Education project through the Missouri Department of Higher Education!
Judy Meyer – Congratulations on receiving the Anne White Award from the Association of American Geographers!
Student Award Winners – IDF and Undergraduate Research Day
Concrete Canoe SP 2014 Newsletter
Enjoy! Take time to vacation or to read or just relax! You deserve it!
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