Events this week –
Showcase on Teaching and Learning – Join your colleagues to hear of their challenges and successes!
Date: Wednesday, August 13 Time: 8:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Student Union Level III Website: Visit the 29th Showcase on Teaching and Learning website Breakfast and lunch are free but registration is requested to ensure we don’t run out of food! Please register online through My Learning Connection and search under the “Showcase on Teaching and Learning” category or type “Showcase” in the search box at the upper right screen after selecting “Show All Classes.”
The Faculty Welcome Back lunch hosted by Provost Einhellig will begin at 11:30 AM on Thursday in the PSU Ballroom.
I know that there are many departmental meetings and retreats this week.
All-College Meeting (State of the College Address by Dean, Welcome from President Smart and Provost Einhellig) – 3:30 PM, Thursday, August 21 in Temple Hall 002.
Please be sure to welcome all of our new CNAS faculty/staff.
HRA – Albert Barreda (PhD University of Central Florida, MS University of South Carolina, MS University of Massachusetts, BS San Augustin State University, Arequipa, Peru) – Hospitality and Restaurant Administration – Assistant Professor
GGP – Gary Michelfelder (PhD expected this fall from Montana State University, MS New Mexico State University, BS Eastern Michigan University) – Geology – Assistant Professor
MTH – Patrick Sullivan (PhD Pennsylvania State University, MS University of Kansas, BS University of Kansas) – Mathematics Education – Assistant Professor
CHM – Gautam Bhattacharyya (PhD Purdue University, BS Brown University) – Chemistry Education – Assistant Professor
BIO – Ryan Udan (PhD Baylor College of Medicine, BS University of Maryland Baltimore County) – Developmental Biology – Assistant Professor
GGP – Tim Brock (PhD University of Kentucky, MS University of Kansas, BA Georgia Southern University) – Planning/Geography – Assistant Professor
HRA – Jokima Hiller (MBA Keller Graduate School of Management, BS Purdue University) – Hospitality and Restaurant Administration – Instructor
BIO – Sean Maher (PhD University of Kansas, MS University of Michigan, BS Villanova University) – Wildlife Ecology/Biology – Assistant Professor
MTH – Steve Senger (PhD, MA, BS University of Missouri – Columbia) – Mathematics – Assistant Professor
CHM – Helena De La Hoz De La Hoz (MS Missouri State, BS Missouri State) – Chemistry – Instructor
PAMS – Peter Plavchan (Phd, MS UCLA, BS California Institute of Technology) – Astronomy – Assistant Professor
BIO – Michael LaMontagne (PhD Boston University, BS University of Massachusetts) – Biology – Visiting Assistant Professor
ENGINEERING – Jeff Thomas (PhD, MS, BS Missouri University of Science and Technology) – Associate Teaching Professor
PAMS – Ridwan Sikadja (PhD, BS University of Wisconsin – Madison) – Physics/Materials Science – Associate Professor (pending BOG approval)
The following staff have joined us from early 2014 to the present.
PAMS – Nandita Nag (MS University of Missouri – St. Louis, BS Visva Bharati University) – Laboratory Supervisor
CHM – Jonathan Hardin (MS, BS Missouir State University) – Chemistry – Lab & Store Supervisor
CHM/PAMS – Kristy Teague – Administrative Assistant
CNAS – Brian Hayes – Distributed User Support
BIO – Ben Dalton – (BS William Jewell College, MS Missouri State University) – Laboratory Supervisor and Director of Regional Science Olympiad and helper with Science Fair
Recent Grant Successes –
Lynda Plymate – Congratulations on your continuing award with the Missouri Department of Higher Education for “Transforming Mathematics Instruction Using Inquiry and One-to-One Environments (TRIM I+ 121)”!
Chris Barnhart – Congratulations on the additional funding for your grant with the U.S. Geological Survey for developing methods for laboratory culture of diverse species of freshwater mussels!
A Note from Dr. Nick Gerismchuk (CHM) – Result of Grant Success – Congratulations Nick and thanks for sharing!!!!
I am happy to inform you that now we have fully operational new DSC/TG instrument in my lab in the Department of Chemistry. This wonderful equipment works in the range of 25 – 1500oC and is perfect for studying a variety of substances and compounds. Thus, it is perfect for accurate determination of melting points, polymorphic transitions, thermal decomposition points, weight losses and transformations of inorganic materials, ceramics, minerals and even for studies of high energy materials and explosives.
Sample sizes: from 5 mg to 250 mg, weigh accuracy is 2 micrograms. Samples can be solids, pastes, oils, alloys, etc. Samples can be heated using several modes with speed from 0.5 to 20oC/minute in nitrogen atmosphere, or in the air. The DSC/TG instrument is equipped with data processing software that allows data analysis and printouts on site, or saving results in a variety of formats for other needs outside the lab.
Please pass this message around to your colleagues and students who might be interesting in using this technique.
The TA Q-600 was purchased using funds from my NIH grant.
MSU and OTC Partner on Hospitality Management Pathway – Great work HRA!!!!
Missouri State University and Ozark Technical College have joined forces to offer students with an AAS degree in Hospitality Management a streamlined pathway to completing a BAS degree in Hospitality and Restaurant Administration. The BAS degree is designed to provide students who possess strong technical skills the opportunity to gain advanced hospitality business knowledge necessary for career growth. Students entering this degree plan have the opportunity to complete the degree either on campus or online, which makes it an attractive option for those already working in the hospitality industry or living outside of the Springfield area. Full-time students can complete the BAS degree within two years provided all agreed upon prerequisites have been met.
Study Away news for 2014-15
The Study Away Fair will be held on Wednesday, September 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the PSU atrium. The fair is an opportunity for both students and faculty to learn about MSU study away options. Study Away has four table spaces left for program directors and will assign those spaces as proposals are submitted.
The Study Away Faculty Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 17 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in PSU 308. A panel of experienced faculty program directors will lead a discussion of short-term faculty-led program topics ranging from academic planning to travel logistics, budgeting, recruiting participants, and language acquisition. Please RSVP by September 12 to Study Away at or 836-6368.
This fall, the Provost will provide $10,000 in funding for faculty exploratory travel. The aim of the exploratory travel funds is to increase the number of faculty-led short-term programs towards an end of increasing students’ cultural competence. Additionally, funded travel will help to ensure faculty preparedness in safety measures for future short-term programs. The application deadline is October 20, 2014.
Award for Excellence in Study Away Programming
The Study Away Advisory Committee seeks to recognize MSU faculty who demonstrate excellence in developing and leading short-term study away programs. The award features include: $1,500 in professional development funds, recognition at the All Faculty Recognition Reception on May 5, 2015, a trophy, and permanent recognition on a plaque in the Study Away office. Submission of nominee names is due October 24, 2014.
Deadlines for Short-Term Faculty-Led Study Away Programs
The short-term faculty-led proposal templates for both international and domestics programs are found here. The deadlines for submitting a proposal for a short-term faculty-led program are:
• September 28, 2014 – Summer and Summer Intersession 2015 proposals
• November 21, 2014 – Fall Intersession 2015 proposals
• May 1, 2015 – Winter Intersession 2015-16 proposals
Study Away Scholarships
Study Away is waiting on final confirmation from a couple colleges regarding their college Study Away scholarships. I will send another email with college/school scholarships details when the scholarships are confirmed and application criteria are finalized. Faculty who lead short-term programs may promote their college/school scholarships as a means to recruit students for their programs.
Please note: The Foreign Language Institute (FLI) offers language classes in Arabic, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian. Please contact Evan Bennett, Coordinator of the FLI, if you wish to consider a language class for your students as means of preparation for your program. The Foreign Language institute is willing and able to create short-term courses for your short-term program participants.
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