We are off to an awesome start to this fall semester. College committee assignments have been made and list will be posted just as soon as every committee has a chair. In some cases the chair is appointed, while in other cases the chair is elected. Many committees will have initial meetings this month. And if you would like to see me at one of your faculty meetings – please invite me. I’m always happy to come and visit.
The State of the University Address will be at noon on Monday, September 29th in the PSU Theatre. I hope to see you there.
Green Revolution – Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit will open at the Discovery Center on Wednesday, September 10. Our president has funded a “free day” on October 1, 2014. All faculty, staff, students and families may visit the Discovery Center and the exhibit for free. The Discovery Center will be open from 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM on October 1. The exhibit will be in Springfield until January of 2015.
CNAS Public Lectures start on September 16, CNAS Public Lecture Series FA14-2. Please note that in addition to the three lectures previously noted, we also have faculty presenting at the Library Center on South Campbell. See page 13 of http://thelibrary.org/programs/documents/bookends0814.pdf
Please invite students faculty and friends to these outstanding lectures by CNAS faculty!
Some Important Deadlines – Please remember that all of these require department heads comments and my signature. That means they should be on your department head’s desk at least 10 working hours prior to the due date.
September 15 – International Travel Award applications due – http://graduate.missouristate.edu/facultystaff/InternationalTravel.htm
October 13 – Faculty Research Grants are due – http://graduate.missouristate.edu/facultystaff/FacultyResearchGrants.htm
October 31 – Summer Fellowship Applications are due – http://graduate.missouristate.edu/facultystaff/SummerFellowships.htm
November 7 – Sabbatical Applications are due – http://www.missouristate.edu/provost/facultydevelopment/sabbaticals.htm
Faculty News –
Three great KSMU stories on Kevin Mickus research, Rhy Norton and Paul Durham research, and Lynn Robbins research!!
And Peter Plavchan is quoted in the following article – http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life-exoplanets/proto-planetary-smashup-discovered-around-baby-star-140828.htm
Please continue to share these items with me so we can get the good word out on the importance and value of research.
More CNAS News can be found at http://news.missouristate.edu/tag/cnas/
I invite you to participate in the Fall 2014 commencement ceremony to be held on Friday, December 12 at 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM in JQH Arena. In order to facilitate your participation, the University will assume the cost of renting your gown. Our contract allows each participant to keep his or her cap and hood for use in future commencement ceremonies.
If you plan to participate in the Fall 2014 commencement, please complete and return the regalia order form. The form can be found on the following webpage under Academic Regalia:
You can send your completed form by campus mail to Carrington 425, email (reply to Julie Spinabella) or it can be faxed to 836-5992. You will receive confirmation via email from Julie Spinabella.
The deadline for ordering regalia is October 8, 2014. We cannot process late requests. If you have questions, please call Julie Spinabella (Ext. 6-4329).
Regalia will be available at Missouri State Bookstore beginning Monday, December 8 through Thursday, December 11.
On commencement day:
Please arrive at the racquetball court area in Hammons Student Center 45 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony for donning your regalia and marshalling. A light buffet will be served.
You will line up in Hammons Student Center then march to the main floor of JQH Arena, where the ceremony will be held. The ceremony will last approximately 90 minutes.
Fall Commencement – JQH Arena – December 12, 2014
12:30 p.m. Ceremony
College of Business
College of Education
4:00 p.m. Ceremony
College of Arts and Letters
College of Health and Human Services
College of Humanities and Public Affairs
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
William H. Darr School of Agriculture
Global Studies majors
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