Happy Thanksgiving!
Top 10 Things that I am thankful for this week –
#1 – I am thankful for outstanding faculty who go above and beyond to do quality research, prepare MSU students for the future and serve our community. I so enjoy reading about your good works in the news (see below) and I enjoy hearing from students about their great courses!
#2 – I am thankful for great department heads and associate deans who serve on the front line. Their job duties have grown significantly over the last 10 years!
#3 – I am thankful for outstanding staff! The college would not be in the great position that we are today if it were not for the staff who support all of the academic and research and outreach activities in the college.
#4 – I am thankful for students – students with great questions, students with great answers, students who challenge the status quo, students who strive to be the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
#5 – Diversity – I am thankful that I work with a diverse group of colleagues and that we have a diverse group of students on our campus. I appreciate the opportunity to learn from each of you! Our cultures and backgrounds may be different but our similarities are many. My hopes and dreams for the future are that we continue to have open/honest conversations and strive for peace and justice for all. Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Yes.
#6 – I am thankful for the work that our university has done related to issues of sustainability and energy savings. We have made mighty strides although we have much work to do.
#7 – I am thankful for family and friends who keep me grounded.
#8 – I am thankful for my peers (fellow deans) and for administrative leaders on campus who work hard each and every day to help make this university a better place. Seeing us all work together helps makes the hard work worth it!
#9 – I am thankful that I have the freedom to read any book that I choose and I am thankful for my book club!
#10 – I am thankful for sunshine and moonlight and the stars in the sky! The lights are always there!
Check out the Chemistry Fall 2014 Newsletter_final and HRA http://www.missouristate.edu/hra/ fall 2014 newsletters!
Newly funded projects –
Day Ligon (Biology) – Congratulations on your continuing agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for your project “Assessing the Extent and Density of Chicken Turtle Populations in Southeastern Oklahoma”!
Bob Pavlowsky and Marc Owen (OEWRI) – Congratulations on the continuation of the James River MS4/TMDL monitoring plan implementation with Greene County!
Diane May and Dorothy Wittorf-Sandgren (CRPM) – Congratulations on another year of the Homeland Security Grant and Work Program with SMCOG from the Missouri Office of Homeland Security!
Contact your department head and me with news!
PSIP Applications are due to the Dean’s office on December 12, 2014 – http://www.missouristate.edu/provost/psip.htm
MSU Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service
Nominations for 2014–2015 are being accepted now
The Missouri State University Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service are intended to provide incentives for continued performance to a select number of full-time faculty who evidence significant accomplishments in teaching, research and/or creative activities and service. The awards are funded by the MSU Foundation.
Six awards are presented annually at the All-Faculty Recognition Reception held in May of each year, and each recipient will receive a $3,600 award.
Faculty members do not need to be nominated to submit application material. Download the 2014 application form. Nominations are due to the Provost Office by Friday, December 12, 2014. Application materials will be due in Departmental Offices by Monday, January 26, 2015. Please view the 2014-2015 Guidelines for additional information.
December 12 CNAS Graduation Reception, Carrington 208, 2:00 – optional pictures, 2:30 – program, 3:15 picture and walk to arena
December 12 BOG meeting at 9:00 AM and Commencement, 4:00 PM – Fall 2014
Offices close at 5:00 PM on Friday, December 19
Offices open on Monday, January 5. This is also when winter intersession starts.
Staff Awards Luncheon – Wednesday, January 7.
Spring 2015 Classes begin on Monday, January 12.
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