CNAS Public Lecture is tonight at 7:30 PM in Temple 002. Come and learn more about CRISPR from Dr. Paul Schweiger. CRISPR/Cas9 was identified as a prokaryotic defense system against foreign invading DNA, such as viruses. This system has been developed into a simple genome editing tool. Consequently, the CRISPR/Cas9 system is being used to try and fight disease and make improvements to agriculture by rewriting the genetic code. However, there is controversy about the ethical uses of this relatively new technology.
Eric Shaw will be on campus Friday, November 13. Flyer: Eric Shaw Flyer Here is a link to Eric’s professional biography:
Other seminars/events are posted at
Geography Awareness Week – November 15-21 Flyer: Geography Awareness Week flyer
News from our FCTL Representative – Jennifer Pursley
1. At the upcoming November meeting, Curriculum Innovation awards will be awarded.
- Watch for announcements of these faculty awards in February ‘16
2. The Advisory Council will be selecting a Keynote Speaker for the 2016 Showcase. Invitation for Proposals will soon be sent.
- The FCTL welcomes suggestions for the 2016 Showcase Keynote Speaker
3. A Call for Proposals for Showcase proposals will be sent to faculty Spring semester.
- Faculty are encouraged to submit a proposal to present at Showcase Aug 17, 2016
4. The Scholar 2 Scholar Research Assistant program provides RA opportunities for underrepresented populations at MSU.
- Contact Dr. Jamaine Abidogun, Diversity Fellow about the Scholar 2 Scholar program
5. The remaining Faculty Writing Retreats dates for fall semester are November 6 and December 14.
- To register for the Faculty Writing Retreat contact
Contact your FCTL Advisory Council representative for additional information or email .
It’s National Distance Learning Week!!! As we offer more and more distance learning options to students, it may help to take a small amount of time to think about the newer formats. There are many more opportunities for professional development than any of us have time to do, but you might want to check out the following two sites. To find out about local options, you can check out the program for the Innovations Showcase at: You can find more global options at the United States Distance Learning Association site at: (Patti Blanton – Thank you for the heads up on this one!)
Computer Science Education Week – December 7-13
Please help me identify the other important days/weeks that we should be celebrating within the college!
Due Date – Please complete the open enrollment for benefits and their HRA this month! I just finished mine. It takes about 10-15 minutes for each item.
Open Enrollment for Benefits is from October 13 through November 20, 2015. Every employee must go through this so that you can confirm the benefits you want and deny the benefits you do not want! Access is in “MY MISSOURI STATE” Go to “Profile”, then “Employment Details” then “Online Benefits Enrollment”.
All employees must participate in the HRA by November 30 in order to save up to $30 on your monthly health insurance premium. Access is in “MY MISSOURI STATE” Go to “Profile”, then “Wellness”, the “Health Risk Assessment”.
- PSIP applications are due in the dean’s office by December 11, 2015., Timeline –
Important Dates in November/December –
November 23-27 Thanksgiving Holiday (Offices open November 23-24)
November 30 CNAS Fall Speaker series at the Library Center, Jim O’Brien & Dean Jahnke, 7:00 pm
December 3 Fall classes end
December 11 CNAS Grad reception
December 11 CNAS commencement, 12:30 pm, JQH Arena
Dr. Tammy Jahnke
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