I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving break! I know that we have only two short weeks until commencement and the posting of final grades. Thank you for all you do for our students!!! Faculty – There are three deadlines in the next couple of weeks – Foundation awards, PSIP, and Advising Award. All of the information is below.
CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards Policy for 2015-2016 follows: 2015-2016 CNAS Awards Policy 11 18 2015
Department of Chemistry Newsletter follows: CHM Nov 2015 Newsletter
A few calendar items are noted at the end of the email.
Recent Grant Funded Projects –
Chris Barnhart – Congratulations on your award for the propagation and augmentation of the Ouachita Rock Pocketbook through the US Fish Wildlife Service and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Missouri State University Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service – The initial intent to apply or nomination deadline for Foundation Awards is December 11, 2015.
The Missouri State University Foundation Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service are intended to provide incentives for continued performance to a select number of full-time faculty who evidence significant accomplishments in teaching, research and/or creative activities and service. The awards are funded by the Missouri State University Foundation. Six awards are presented annually at the All-Faculty Recognition Reception held in May of each year, and each recipient will receive a $3,600 award. Faculty members do not need to be nominated to submit application material. Download the 2015 application form. Application materials will be due in departmental offices by Monday, January 25, 2016. Please view the 2015-2016 Guidelines for additional information. https://blogs.missouristate.edu/provost/files/2015/11/Foundation_Awards_Guidelines.pdf
PSIP applications are due in the dean’s office by December 11, 2015. http://www.missouristate.edu/provost/psip.htm, Timeline – http://www.missouristate.edu/assets/Provost/PSIP_Evaluation_Timeline_2016.pdf
Advising Award nominations are due by 5:00 PM, December 9.
- In recognition of outstanding academic advising, two Missouri State University Curtis P. Lawrence Excellence in Advising awards will be presented during the spring semester 2016. One will honor a faculty advisor, and one will honor an advisor who is a member of the professional staff. Each recipient will receive a $1500 cash award, presented at a reception to honor all Master Advisors. To nominate an outstanding advisor, please submit the name by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9 to Kathy Davis, Director of the Academic Advisement Center. Candidates may be nominated by current students, alumni or colleagues. Submit the name in an e-mail to kathydavis@missouristate.edu. After the nomination is received, the advisor will be notified and asked to submit application materials that will be due on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. A selection committee will be co-chaired by Josh Smith and Scott Handley, past award recipients.
Qualifications for Nomination:
- Nominee must have a minimum of two years of service to Missouri State at the time of nomination as a full-time employee with on-going academic advising responsibilities and currently assigned advisees.
- Nominee must be a current Master Advisor.
- Nominee must not have received the award in the previous three years.
If you need to know whether an advisor is qualified to be nominated, contact Kathy Davis at 836-5258 or KathyDavis@missouristate.edu.
Criteria for Selection:
- Knowledge of campus information and resources and use of that knowledge in helping students.
- Knowledge of major and career-related information and academic policies and use of that knowledge in assisting students.
- Demonstration of advising as a priority activity.
- Use of innovative advising techniques and/or development of advising materials or systems.
- Effective documentation of advising sessions through “Advising Notes.”
- Reasonable accessibility to advisees and effective use of available time with advisees.
- Efforts to create positive relationships with students.
- Support of advisor training and development programs and efforts to improve advising services at Missouri State University.
December 4 Study Day
December 11 CNAS Grad reception, 10:30 am, CARR 208
December 11 CNAS commencement, 12:30 pm, JQH Arena
December 21-January 1 – All Offices Closed!
January 4 Offices open – everyone reports to work
January 7 Staff Recognition Luncheon
January 11 Spring 2016 Classes Begin
Spring 2016 CNAS Public Lecture Schedule – A flyer will be distributed in January but please save the dates on your calendar now!
February 9 Ms. Linnea Iantria, Senior Instructor, GGP, “Applied Geotourism in Missouri”
March 15 Dr. Steven Senger, Assistant Professor, MTH, (about Large Finite Point Sets)
April 5 Dr. Gautam Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor, CHM, “The devil is in the details”: A closer look into some common instructional practices”