Patti Blanton’s MTH 121 student class project: They are raising awareness and funding for the K9s for Camo non-profit that is located just east of Springfield.
Sign up on April 23. Event is April 24.
Contact Patti Blanton for more information.
- Tuesday, April 24 – PAMS seminar: Directional Radiation Detector Demo and Talk, by Jonathan Dowell, 3:00-4:00 PM, KEMP 204
- Wednesday, April 25 – CHM seminar: Synthesis and Characterization of Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes, by Myron Jones, 3:35-4:25 PM, LIBR 101
- Thursday, April 26 – Ray Phillips Retirement Party, 3:00-5:00 PM, Carrie’s Café, Pummill Hall Fourth Floor
- Friday, April 27 – GGP seminar: Using Drone-Based Photogrammetry to Quantify Geomorphic Landscape Features, by Toby Dogwiler, 3:30-4:30 PM, TEMP 345
- Friday, April 27 – BIO seminar: Sediment and fossils in Riverbluff Cave, Greene County, Missouri, Charles Rovey, 4:00-5:00 PM, TEMP 003
Meet your diversity goals by attending the Collaborative Diversity Conference, April 26-27 – Attend Sessions FREE but please sign up.
Don’t have time to attend a full session? Try Living Stories!
These 15-minute conversations connect you with a Living Book:
Meet the Living Books Reserve your book
Week of May 1 – mark your calendars!
o May 1 – All Faculty Recognition Reception is from 3-5 PM in PSU Ballroom!
o May 3 – CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards is from Noon-1 in PSU Ballroom East!
- Pizza provided. BYOB
o May 3 – CNAS Undergraduate Research Day
- Noon -1:00 PM – All judging will for Undergraduate Research Day will occur during this time period in PSU Ballroom West
- Research Posters will be open to all from 1-3 PM in PSU Ballroom West
- Awards presented to research day winners at 3:00 PM in PSU Ballroom East
o May 4 CNAS Spring Picnic from 5-8 PM at Phelps Grove Park
o May 5 Frank Einhellig IDF – Watch the website for final schedule!
IDF Judges Needed –
Please register to judge! I will be there judging!
- Nathan Dorff, graduate biology, was awarded the Carl Morrow Graduate Scholarship for his research in the ecology underneath and around streams.
- CNAS Dean’s Office student worker Hannah Whaley, wildlife biology major, received a certificate for Runner Up at the AY17 Student Employee of the Year Awards.
- Eight MSU students presented (three won!) at the Annual Joint Meeting of the Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches of the American Society of Microbiology in Kansas City last month.
- Krista Evans had an article published – Integrating tiny and small homes into urban landscape: History, land use barriers and potential solutions Congratulations, Krista!
- Hospitality Leadership’s online program ranks high and was recognized four times in AY2017. Carrie’s Café last days of operation in SP18 – 4/24, 04/26, 05/01, 05/03, 05/08
- Geology students traveled to the San Andreas Fault over spring break.
- Surplus Property Disposal Auction is Wednesday, May 2. Previews are April 30 and May 1.
- Find your work/life balance with free webinars.
The CEE Awards are being held this Friday, April 27 during a special luncheon ceremony. Watch for the winner announcement after the luncheon!
Saturday, April 28 – Jordan Creek Clean Up (This event is hosted by the American Society of Civil Engineers MSU Student Chapter.)
MAY 2018
- May 7 – Faculty & Instructors submit outside activity reports to Dept Heads
- May 10 – Depts return Student Evaluations to Dean’s Office (David)
- May 21 – DHs submit list of names of external evaluators for T&P to the dean
- May 21 – Submit final grades online by 2:00 PM
- May 25 – CNAS Committees’ annual reports due to dean’s office (to David)
Apr 25-27 Collaborative Diversity Conference – Faculty and Staff may attend sessions at no cost but you must register online so there will be enough chairs in the room.
Apr 27-28 Missouri Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Rolla
May 1 All Faculty Recognition Reception 3-5 PM in PSU Ballroom
May 3 (THURSDAY) CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards and Undergraduate Research Day
Noon – Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony (includes a light lunch for all attendees)
Noon -1:00 PM – All judging will for Undergraduate Research Day will occur during this time period.
Research Posters will be open to all from 1-3 PM
3:00 PM – Awards presented to research day winners.
May 4 Annual all-CNAS Picnic, 5:00-8:00, Phelps Grove Park
May 5 Frank Einhellig IDF – Register to judge / register to volunteer
May 12-17 Final Exams
May 18 Spring Commencement CNAS Graduation Reception 2-4 PM, Temple Courtyard (rain location Temple Lecture Halls)
May 18 Spring Commencement (CNAS at 5:00 PM)
May 21-25 FTCL – Boot Camp for online course development
June 7 SOAR Advisor Training
June 11 Summer School begins today!
July 4 No summer classes/offices closed
July 23-27 CNAS/Discovery Center Class on campus!
July 26 ALC Retreat – all day (Dean only)
July 27 Summer Visit Day
Aug 2-3 Final Exams for summer session
Aug 13 All Faculty and Graduate Students report to campus for pre-fall semester meetings
Aug 13 New Faculty Orientation
Aug 14 New Faculty Orientation
Aug 15 Showcase for Teaching and Learning
Aug 16 All Faculty Welcome Back Lunch
Aug 17 STEM LLC Welcome Social, 4-5:30 PM, Temple Hall
Aug 19 New Student Convocation
Aug 20 Fall 2018 Semester Begins
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU hosted by Dr. David Cornelison.
- Follow CNAS blog, CNAS NewsWatch and University News.
- Follow CNAS on Twitter: @CNASatMSU
- Follow CNAS on Facebook: CNAS at MSU
- Mind’s Eye scholarly publication
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