Smithsonian traveling exhibition Roots of Wisdom opens today!
It runs through Friday, May 24 in Meyer Library 107. Volunteers needed on these dates and times.
MSU celebrates its 114th anniversary!
Join the birthday party tomorrow Tuesday, March 19 from 11:00-2:00 in the PSU.
Student Volunteers needed for Ozarks Science & Engineering Fair (Tu-Thu, March 26-28, 2019)
Student volunteers are needed to help set up, administer, and take down the Fair.
- The Fair takes place March 26-28, 2019, at Hammons Student Center (right next door to the Arena).
- Volunteer time slots start as early as 9 AM and generally end by 10 PM on Tuesday, 6 PM on Wednesday, and 10 PM on Thursday.
- Students can sign up on their own at our SignUp Genius page – This allows students to pick the times they want to work, and adjust their schedules as needed.
Any questions or concerns, contact Sue McCrory at ext. 6-6120.
- Fri, Mar 22 – GGP: The what, where, when and why of the Laramide orogeny, by Jacob Thacker, 2:30-3:30, Temple 345
- Fri, Mar 22 – BIO: Genetics, environmental education, and birds: A career linking diverse interests, by Janice Greene, 4-5 PM, Temple 003
- Fri, Apr 5 – BIO: Mating system evolution in the hairy petunia, by John Heywood, 4-5 PM, Temple 003
- Fri, Apr 12 – GGP: American Golgotha: Planning for the Dead, by Carton Basmajian, 2:30-3:30 PM, Temple 345
- Fri, Apr 26 – BIO: Genes, B cells, and autoimmunity…from bedside to bench and back again, by John Cambier, 4-5 PM, Temple 003
Please inform your education students…
Shaun Bates, Director of Assessment from Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will offer a professional development opportunity on Friday, March 29 at 2:30 p.m. in Temple Hall Room 143 for all our education students and all faculty involved with secondary education. Mr. Bates will be talking about the assessment process that is so important for preservice teachers to understand. Please take advantage of this opportunity and extend an invitation to any interested student. Contact Melanie Carden-Jessen/GGP at ext. 6-3231 for more information.
- Thu, Mar 21: MNAS Committee, 11a-12p, Temple 145
- Fri, Mar 22: Budget Committee, 3:30-4:30, Temple 120
- Fri, Mar 22: STEM Education Committee, 3:30-4:30 PM, Temple 156
- Tu, Apr 9: College Council, 3:30-4:30 PM, Temple 145
- Thu, Apr 11: Awards Committee, 9:00-10:00 AM, Temple 145
- Fri, Apr 26: STEM Education Committee, 3:30-4:30 PM, Temple 156
CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards are Friday, May 3!
Due date for all nominations is Friday, April 5. Review the CNAS Awards Policy for the types of awards, as well as the guidelines and criteria to submit a nomination.
For all Faculty/Staff who are not judging for the Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair, you may obtain free tickets to attend the Bears Baseball Game at Hammonds Field on Tuesday evening, March 26. The game is at 6:30 p.m. at Hammons Field. Our opponent is the University of Arkansas. Employees can pick up their free tickets (yes, you can get free tickets for your immediate family) at JQH Arena ticket office prior to the game or at Hammons Field on game day. Employees will need to show their BearPass at the ticket office to verify that they work at Missouri State.
Outstanding work by faculty, staff and students…
- Sabrina Klement, applied math senior, attended the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics.
- MS in Computer Science program at MSU was recognized as one of the 15 best affordable CS master’s programs at public universities for international students.
- Emmett Redd spoke about why digital computers cannot mimic the human brain at the Cognitive Computing conference in Hannover, Germany.
- Xingping Sun spoke at a colloquium about his research combining math and computer science.
Mar 18-May 26 Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit – Roots of Wisdom has limited viewing times – in Meyer Library 107
Mar 25 Opening Reception for Traveling Exhibit, 4:30-6:00 PM, LIBR 107 (Welcome remarks at 5:15p)
Mar 26-28 Ozarks Science & Engineering Fair (OSEF)
Apr 4 HL Executive Speaker today
Apr 9 CNAS College Council Meeting
Apr 26 CNAS 7th Annual College Picnic hosted by CNAS Diversity Committee – Phelps Grove Park, 5-8 PM
Apr 30 All Faculty Recognition – Provost and President will be presenting awards, 3:00 PM, PSU Ballroom West
May 3 CNAS Faculty/Staff Awards Presentation at NOON Nominations due Fri, April 5 – CNAS Awards Policy
May 3 CNAS Undergraduate Research Day All deadlines for CNAS Undergraduate Research Day are posted.
Abstracts are due April 22. –
May 4 Einhellig IDF – Graduate College
May 11-16 Final Exams
May 17 Spring Commencement
May 18-22 Annual Steam Outage (campus wide: domestic hot water)
June 10 Summer Session Begins
June 10 SOAR Begins
June 17-21 Coding Camp Week – Discovery Center
June 24-28 STEM Week – Discovery Center
July 5 Tentative – Electrical Outage (Partial campus. More details to follow)
July 26 Summer Visit Day
Aug 2 Summer Session Ends (Finals)
Aug 12 All Faculty and Graduate Students report to work
Aug 19 Fall Classes Start
- Tune in every Thursday morning at 9:45 AM for 5-minute STEM Spots on KSMU (Click for past interviews!)
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