CNAS Faculty/Staff – First of all – thank you for all you do!!! We are getting closer and closer to midterm time and I know that the students appreciate your passion and energy! I appreciate your passion and energy for your discipline and for the students. Thank you! I hope that the weeks ahead are productive. In the next CNAS News I hope to list several faculty and … [Read more...] about CNAS News – September 21
CNAS Faculty and Staff - On August 31, 2012 the college had an assessment workshop. A summary of that workshop is attached along with CNAS goals for 2012-2013. All assessment documents are currently still on a Blackboard site – CNAS Assessment. These are all being transferred to the college website. The link will be sent when this site is complete. Assessment Update Fall … [Read more...] about CNAS NEWS – September 13
CNAS News – We had a great turnout for the first CNAS public lecture on Friday evening, February 4 with Ron Greeley. He showed us great views of Mars and I learned the difference between sand and dust! I hope that you will join us for the next three public lectures. A flyer is attached. The first is February 15 in Temple … [Read more...] about February 9, 2011
Faculty research grant proposals are due September 27, 2010. Please remember that these both a department head and dean signature – please give us time to read, comment and sign. Summer Faculty Fellowship Applications are due November 1, 2010. Once again, please remember that these both a department head and dean signature – please give us … [Read more...] about August 26 email
We are in an interesting time. Decreasing state revenues, decreasing funding for all state services, and SB389 which limits tuition increases. I found the following article interesting in Inside Higher Education ( The article is from February 17 and is title "Slipping (Further) Off the Pedestal". The article reports on the latest public … [Read more...] about March 11, 2010