I love the beginning of an academic year. Fresh starts for all us!! The state of the college powerpoint is posted on the website - http://www.cnas.missouristate.edu/. If you have any questions about the presentation please let me know. All CNAS Committees will meet in the next month. Committees membership and committee charges will be posted on the website shortly after … [Read more...] about August 26, 2009
Happy Wednesday!!! As most of you aware we have a new associate dean. Pawan Kahol has agreed to serve the college as associate dean and his appointment will start on August 17, 2009. This clearly means that we have leadership challenges in the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science but I am confident that a leader will arise this week and that the … [Read more...] about July 29, 2009
I realized over the weekend that I had not updated the CNAS blog since April so I will try to catch you up on the events of CNAS and prepare you for the end of summer and beginning of the Fall 2009 semester. Our associate dean, Inno Onwueme, is retiring from Missouri State State University at the end of the summer and has taken a position at Indiana University in Indiana, … [Read more...] about July 2009
There are so many events in April - Public Affairs Conference, FFA Contests, Graduate College Interdisciplinary Forum, Pummill Relays, Missouri Academy of Science Annual Meeting, and scholarship banquets for chemistry, computer science, math and premedical students. And then the Ozarks New Energy Conference will be held on April 30 through May 1 on the Missouri State … [Read more...] about April 2009
It is good to have breaks. We all need them. I will be taking a break this week as well. I hope to read a few books and take some long runs. I have posted some of the events that will take place in the college in early April on the event tab. I had a great meeting with the CNAS Faculty Advisory Committee last week but only four faculty attended. I would like to hear … [Read more...] about Spring Break