Jared Berlin, a senior in the College of Business, entered Missouri State University his freshman year as a theater major. When COVID-19 hit, he had time to reflect on his true career passions and discovered the entertainment management (EM) program within the department of management.
“I decided I wanted to take a different path after graduation,” Berlin said. “I’m passionate about the entertainment industry, so the EM major is a perfect fit for me.”
Dedication to EM education
Missouri State EM faculty members strive to create opportunities for students like Berlin through industry involvement.
“The entertainment industry is very much a relationship business. Getting students connected with industry professionals is one of the pillars of the EM program,” Professor Dr. Philip Rothschild said.
“In this industry, it’s not what you know, or even who you know — it’s who knows you.”
Each year, Rothschild brings 16 students to volunteer and network at the annual International Entertainment Buyers Association (IEBA) conference in Nashville, TN.
“IEBA has provided generous scholarships and networking opportunities for our students over the years,” Rothschild said. “I’m proud of the reputation that our students and MSU have built within the industry.”
Rothschild joined the IEBA educational outreach board to give back to the industry and continue the disbursement of scholarships to students interested in pursuing a career in music entertainment.
In 2022, Rothschild was nominated for the IEBA Educator of the Year award.
“As executive director of IEBA and its educational outreach fund, I work with educators and students from music and entertainment industry programs at universities across the country,” Pam Matthews said.
“Missouri State students are on par with their peers from Belmont, NYU, and USC. The program is truly exceptional, and Dr. Rothschild is a valued and distinguished member of a national community of educators and entertainment industry professionals.”
A new perspective on the music industry
In fall 2022, Berlin sat on an IEBA conference panel titled “Closing the knowledge gap: What we can learn from Gen Z.” Gen Z is anyone born in 1997 and after.
The panel members shared their thoughts on Gen Zers’ relationship with the music industry and what younger generations value within a work environment.
Berlin credits the networking skills he learned in the EM program for his selection for the panel. He reached out to Rothschild to express his interest and then joined the IEBA. Berlin also applied and was chosen to receive a scholarship from IEBA.
“IEBA was an invaluable experience, especially as a senior,” Berlin said. “The music industry can feel walled-off, but at the conference, everyone was happy to speak with us and give advice.”
“Being on the panel has been a life and career changing experience for me,” Berlin said.
Berlin gained an internship opportunity after connecting with recruiters from Bauer Entertainment Marketing while at the conference.
He will begin working as a remote intern after his December 2022 graduation. He also plans to work part-time in Kansas City at an entertainment venue.
In summer 2023, Berlin hopes to move to Nashville to further his career.
Explore entertainment management at MSU