College of Education
Leadership Council
August 23, 2012
Dean Hough opened the meeting by sharing the ½ page ad copy the University is funding for the September issues of Newsweek. (See Below)
A new copier is being purchased for CLSE and everyone was reminded that anyone in COE can use any copier at any location.
The four dean’s task forces are listed on Dean Hough’s blog and the Dean’s Page on the COE web. Each department is to identify by August 31st one faculty member to serve on each task force. Budget committee members and FAC members are due at the same time.
The Greg Onstot Outstanding Achievement Award email announcement was received by all.
Teresa Steele, Chair, COE Sunshine Committee gave a report of Homecoming activities involving COE. In short, we will have our own tent, have hamburgers catered, and provide activities as in the past. Please see the Sunshine Committee minutes for complete details.
Janice Duncan, Chair, CEFS department head search provided an update, and Jo Agnew-Talley agreed to inform all CEFS faculty of the search committee members. A committee meeting is scheduled for later in the day. Dean Hough will attend that meeting and answer any questions.
Dean Hough provided an update of the COE Interim Associate Dean search: A few faculty expressed an interest in the position prior to last Friday’s close date. The finalist will be interviewed by the department heads, Ms. Steele (representing staff), and Dean Hough on Monday of next week. An announcement should follow after the interview.
The LC agreed that the COE Policies and Procedures Manual updates made during the summer administrative retreat should now be reviewed by the FAC this fall.
All budget requests should be presented to Dean Hough, not directly to the budget officer.
Dean Hough gave a report of the August 22nd ALC.
Suzy Cutbirth, director, RPDC explained their “new work,” i.e., helping 47 schools address academic achievement gaps between so-called “super subgroups” of students and others. She also mentioned that Missouri’s new Educator Evaluation Project is causing some anxiety among many districts.
Janice Duncan gave an update on the draft Program Support Proposal Form. The LC requested that the FAC provide the next review of the form prior to final approval by the budget committee.
The following events & key dates were identified:
Aug. 27-28 Faculty and Staff Portrait Days
Aug. 30 State of the University Address at noon in PSU Theatre
Sept. 3 Labor Day, University Closed
Sept. 7 Ozarks Celebration Festiva
Sept. 17 AAA
Oct. 8 Pres. Candidate to meet with deans, dept. heads, Faculty Senate, et al.
Pres. Candidate open forum 3:30 – 4:30 PSU Theatre
Oct. 9 Public Affairs Convocation Lecture – Warren St. John, author of
Outcasts United
Oct. 10 Pres. Candidate ditto above
Oct. 15 Pres. Candidate ditto above