CAEP Writing Team Meeting
March 2, 2018
10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Vandivort Hotel Boardroom
Attendees: David Hough, James Sottile, Ximena Uribe-Zarain, Vicki Schmitt, Stephen Kleinsmith, Keri Franklin, Mark Woolsey, James Satterfield, Denise Cunningham, Emmett Sawyer, Rose Lee, Sharon Lopinot
Dean Hough welcomed everyone and all were introduced. Folders with the agenda and various documents were distributed.
The dean gave some background regarding what led up to this meeting. He met with the Board of Governors in 2013 regarding the accreditation process.
CAEP Self-Study to be submitted via Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS): November 2018 (Due December 2018)
CAEP Site Visit: November 3-5, 2019
Dean Hough pulled up the Self-Study AIMS template on the screen and went through it. The document has the maximum number of characters that can be used for each box in the document. The final document will be submitted electronically. This group does not need to worry about the report.
This group will:
- address reliability/validity of instruments we developed
- start professional development for program coordinators
James Sottile explained the sheet on Unit Wide Assessments. Work on this started in 2015. The sheet has initial programs, when, where and how assessment will be used, the status and what standard(s) it will apply to. EDC 345 is an important part of this and will need to be named and added to the sheet in the appropriate place. James is working with Char Berquist on collecting information from different focus groups. Ximena discussed a survey that went to student teachers in Spring 2017 and a follow-up survey again in Fall 2017 regarding their impressions of their experiences and to gage their beliefs about the program.
The dean asked what other types of assessments are available. The University Exit Survey is given to students who graduate and have 102 credit hours, which can provide useful documentation. The essay on the University Exit Surveys include cultural competency. Another one is the National Survey of Student Engagement. The survey given to graduating students also includes where they will be working (or not), plans to go on to graduate school, etc.
The Reliability and Validity in Accreditation EPP-CAEP was discussed. Information was also handed out on people that were contacted regarding content validity reviews. Reviewers need to be an expert in the content area they are reviewing, which is one of the reasons they are asked for their vita. Everyone was asked to read the information later and make notes if something should be added/changed. The dean would like to have lunch meetings with program coordinators to discuss the process so everyone is on the same page. The focus needs to be on:
- How many students complete their program?
- Of those who complete their program, how many pass the licensure exam?
- What percentage?
- Of those who pass, who get employed?
- Is it in their field or other area?
- How are they doing?
We need to be able to document and show proof of changes. Program area agendas and minutes should have this. Discussions from this lead to course adjustments, new courses and deleting courses. The dean said CAEP wants to see outcomes. All enrollment trends, per course, etc., will be reviewed by Leadership Council, Faculty Advisory Council and the COE Budget Committee. We will also need to reference the data from the Hiring Plans.
Dr. Stephen Kleinsmith and Dr. Vicki Schmitt are conducting a study on the relationship between P-12 teachers’ MEES scores to EPPs where they earned degrees. Specifically, they are comparing MSU graduates to all other IHE graduates across 12 area schools, including SPS. Each of these schools hired multiple teachers that have graduated from our university. They are sharing teacher evaluation data for new hires that are over a three-year time frame. No information that could identify the individual is included. They will prepare a technical report or research brief at the conclusion of their data collection effort this semester.
The Dean will develop a series of Continuous Improvement Seminars (CIS) for department heads and program coordinators. Other initial and advanced programs across the EPPU will be invited to attend. The series of monthly seminars will focus on two areas: (1) data retrieval, analysis, and reporting, and (2) evaluation and assessment of data-based changes to programs.
The Dean will also meet individually with each CAEP Standard Writing Team Chair.
Submitted by Sharon Lopinot, Exec. Assistant