November 9, 2018
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Hill 339
Attendees: Kim Dubree, Steve Jones, Teresa Steele, David Hough, James Satterfield, Denise Cunningham, Cathy Pearman, Janelle Flanders, Minor Baker, Abby Burch, Melissa Schotthofer, Emmett Sawyer, Joe Hulgus, Rose Lee.
The meeting began at 8:00 a.m. with Dean Hough asking for volunteers to work with Teresa Steele and his office to ensure that the Budget Committee information on the COE website was accurate and complete (i.e. membership, meeting notes, and meeting dates.) Dr. Steve Jones volunteered to help.
The next item discussed was a fee for students who use Taskstream, which is a database that education students and secondary education students use. The Dean asked for volunteers to serve on the committee to determine how best to charge students for Taskstream subscriptions. Minor Baker volunteered to join the group which will include Kim Dubree, Karen Engler, Travis Marler, and Dr. Baker. The dean will give the task force its charge early next week.
The committee discussed prioritization of discretionary funds in COE. Rose Lee provided a handout to show the committee how much money was in each account the College currently has. These accounts include but are not limited to: faculty travel, student travel, special programs, program support, multicultural initiatives, recruitment, and departmental operating funds. Most accounts have surplus funds while some initiatives like Bear Partnership, Sabbaticals, and marketing have now funding. Budget Committee members shared ideas for redistributing funds from accounts are seldom used or expended. Cathy Pearman asked if funds could be moved from accounts that had funds available to those that were in the red. The Dean explained that this is, in fact, standard practice, making the prioritization of initiatives important.
Marketing, recruitment and retention were the two items committee members focused on most. Dean Hough will share the committee’s ideas next Monday at the president’s mini retreat. The committee discussed a number of marketing, recruitment, and retention ideas. Emmett Sawyer pointed out that prior to doing any project, there should be research and possibly surveys done to see how and why students choose the college they attend. It was agreed to because of a shortage of time, this discussion could be continued at the next COE Budget Committee meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 18, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. in Hill 339.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Steele, Budget Officer