GPAC Meeting
November 16, 2018
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Hill 339
Kim Finch, Gilbert Brown, Paul Maddox, Denise Cunningham, Jamie Atkinson, Kayla Lewis, Emmett Sawyer, Ching-Wen Chang, Shari Scott
I. Ching-Wen Chang was nominated to be GPAC chair for 2018-19 and Kayla Lewis volunteered to be the chair-elect for 2019-2020.
II. Dean Hough shared with the committee that university enrollment for next year has reached a plateau and likely will not grow. We need to work on recruitment at the graduate level because future resource allocations will be based on program growth.
III. Judy Gregg, our CAEP report writing team member, attended the meeting today to share with us what information is still needed for the CAEP report. For the graduate programs that lead to certification. The program coordinators need to provide her with a one paragraph explanation of how students in your programs are monitored throughout each program. The writing team needs to have their report draft completed by November 1. Therefore, it is very important that you provide this information to Judy just ASAP. If you have any questions, please contact Judy at or 836-5253.
IV. Dr. Gilbert Brown shared with us the exciting news about a new doctoral degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs that soon will be submitted through the Curriculum Workflow system.
V. The next meeting will be held Thursday, November 15, from 1:00-2:00pm in Hill Hall 339. Sharon will send you a meeting invitation.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ching-Wen Chang