Faculty Advisory Council
October 9, 2019
8:00 – 9:00 am
Hill 339
Attendees: David Hough, Jamie Atkinson, Sarah Baker, Megan Boyle, Pam Correll, Kayla Lewis, Sarah Nixon, Debra Price, Kim Roam, Jennice Wright, Sharon Lopinot
Faculty Advisory Council meetings will meet from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m., once a month on Wednesdays.
Dean Hough handed out a list of COE projects and funding priorities discussed at the Budget Committee meeting on October 4th. The projects were in no particular order. Members were asked to read through the document if they hadn’t already and then rank them.
- Departments continue to request more tenure-track faculty to cover classes
- RFT345 has multiple sections each semester and could use a fulltime faculty member
- IT updating very important to Budget Committee members (The Dean has asked Jim Taylor to inventory all faculty/staff computers/printers to assist in looking for outdated equipment). It was mentioned that Jim should also inventory what is in the classrooms.
- In the past $10,000 has been allocated to Study Away; this is matched by the Provost
- Faculty sharing graduate assistants continue to request a GA of their own. The group was reminded that graduate assistants are for teaching or research, not covering offices and answering phones.
- The group discussed whether the college or university benefitted by CAEP.
- Bear Partnership is a one-week, residential program for traditionally underrepresented high school students. Denise and James Satterfield have focused recruitment efforts in St. Louis, Kansas City, and rural areas. Students take ACT prep classes, talk to counselors/registration, have a few field trips, etc. Students are given an “M” number and the plan is to encourage them to come to our university/college.
- How often do faculty not get what they request for travel funds? Departments are allotted $500 per faculty member every year. Money not used goes back into the department’s travel line. The Dean provides an additional amount not to exceed $400 per faculty member. He would like to see faculty working toward tenure/promotion be given priority for funding and that anyone requesting the extra funds should be presenting or have a referred paper. Department policies are all different. This would be a good topic for a Faculty Task Force to work address.
The group decided to come up with the top two to five priorities. Three were decided upon:
- Personnel, i.e., tenure-track, instructor / clinical, per course
- Recruitment and Retention Initiatives
- Update aging IT equipment
They discussed and agreed that our college should have a full or part-time marketing person. This person should have knowledge of proper use of marketing materials, and able to produce videos, flyers, marketing items, and program materials. They should understand the education field. Dean Hough said he would start working on this immediately.
Faculty retention was then discussed. It is very expensive when we hire someone and they only stay a few years.
The Dean’s Student Advisory Council suggested that our college needs more advisors. We need to look at the whole process and get perspectives from the students. Is it only an issue at certain times of the years? Can another person be hired, or have someone that works during the busy times of the year? Some program faculty advise/remind their students of deadlines. It probably depends on how many students per program.
Dean Hough will send everyone an updated list of priorities with the top three listed. Everyone will be asked to rank the remaining priorities and return it to him by Friday. This information will then be sent back to FAC and presented at the next Budget Committee meeting.
Six members completed the information requested. Following are the ranked priorities:
___1___Personnel, i.e., tenure-track, instructor / clinical, per course
___2___Recruitment and Retention Initiatives (Program Support / assessments, Marketing, COE staff to manage for departments/programs, Prospective student campus visits, advising)
___3___Update aging IT equipment (computers, scanners etc.)
___4___Travel Funds for Faculty
___5___A “Bear in Every Building”
___6___Bear Partnership
___7___Events Bringing Students to Campus
___8___More advising staff in departments for student success
___9___Internship Academy
___10__Travel Funds for Students
___11__International Programs & Study Away
___12__Full-time Technology Support at PCOB
___13__ Other: Research Center or Institute
___14__CLSE faculty requested more GAs
___15 (tie) Accreditation from CAEP or AAQEP or?
___15 (tie) Other: Faculty Retention
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Submitted by Sharon Lopinot