College of Education
Leadership Council
May 21, 2020
9:00 – 10:30 am
In attendance: David Hough, Russ Brock, Jef Cornelius-White, Denise Cunningham, Kim Dubree, Janice Duncan, Karen Engler, Deanna Hallgren, Stephanie Huffman, Travis Marler, Juli Panza, Barri Tinkler, Rose Lee, Sharon Lopinot
Dean Hough welcomed everyone. He asked Barri to send him the list of the 72+ teacher certification programs so he can work with Chris Craig on reporting to the Department of Education, per a recent mandate the University received. Dean Hough would like to get this done today after departments provide additional certification information outside teacher certification, per se.
The Dean discussed a draft COE Reopening Plan focused on the Dean’s Office, departmental offices, and support unit offices that include GLS, CDC, CCCC, ATLL, and the Office of Professional Education Services. The draft plan would articulate a gradual, incremental reopening process between June 8, 2020, and August 1, 2020. The Dean noted that he has a reopening plan from the Child Development Center, but needs plans from departmental offices and support units by June 8, 2020. Once approved they will also be posted on office doors. Hill Hall will be locked until July 6 when SOAR will be using some of our classrooms. PCOB will be locked until August 1.
The Dean’s Office will open incrementally on June 8, with Sharon and Rose working Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 am until noon. This will be for a partial opening for a few weeks with more days/hours added later and staying open M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm by July 20. The office door will be locked. Other offices can have staff in the office as seen needed during that time, as well. All offices should be opened and fully covered by July 27, 2020. A sign will be on all main office doors with dates/times they will be open. All offices will keep a long with name/date/time on anyone that comes in. The dean asked for suggestions/comments/questions.
- A reminder that every office needs to have a single entry door.
- All offices need to have their plan/schedule posted on the door.
- Juli (Kim agreed) said a number of her staff took their office computers home to work on them so they will work at home until July 6. Dean Hough commented that it is better to continue to work from home and have Zoom appointments. When they have in-person meetings they will need to be in a larger space. The Dean’s conference room on the second floor could be used.
- Once re-opening plans are approved they can be emailed to faculty and staff.
Dean Hough then asked for good news/updates. He informed everyone that the Bear in Every Building program was featured in the Missouri State University magazine and summer enrollments are on par with last year.
Juli Panza
Summer Visit Days:
- June 26 – virtual
- July 24 – in person
The virtual program will include information about COE and have break out “zooms” for individual programs. Department Heads will work with July on getting faculty members.
The in-person program will be in Hill Hall. Our building will be like a school building. They will be welcomed by Juli’s staff. Various rooms will be used for each program. Students will switch “class to class”. Juli has worked with program coordinators in the past. Department Heads will work with her on faculty to participate. Names will be sent to her by next Thursday.
Denise Cunningham
There have been 24 inquiries so far for the mental health Certificate. The numbers for summer and fall class look good. The Dean added that regarding student enrollment, summer numbers are slightly up and fall looks good.
Karen Engler
There is another Field Placement Task Force meeting this afternoon. They will be looking at surveys that were sent to students.
Travis Marler
He is finishing up with Title II.
Jef Cornelius-White
Their summer enrollment numbers look good.
Russ Brock
He received the DESE contract for next year. DESE has added 1.5 FTE for next year. Russ needs to advertise and bring in two new Professional Developers. He would like to do virtual interviews. The Dean said this was a good idea and everyone should press hard to do this for any search.
Deanna Hallgren
The CDC will open June 1. They will have 40 children and 10 staff.
Janice Duncan
They are still enrolling new students. One-third of the returning families are asking to wait to make a decision regarding their child/children returning. If enrollment is lower she may not need as many part-time teachers, so her budget should be good. She asked if there was a policy regarding sports and Greenwood having an open gym for students. Dean Hough said there are numerous conversations going on about this and she should consult with Kyle Moats, MSU Athletic Director, to see what they are doing. Janice will also contact MSHSSA.
Dean Hough
The Town Hall went well yesterday and was well done. The attendees were approximately 80% staff and 20% faculty. Everything was very clear and positive.
Dean Hough will have the minutes of this meeting and draft COE Reopening Policy emailed to everyone today. Send him your edits/suggestions by noon tomorrow.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am.
Submitted by Sharon Lopinot, Executive Asst. II