College of Education
Leadership Council
October 1, 2020
9:00 – 10:30 am
Attendees: David Hough, Russ Brock, Jef Cornelius-White, Denise Cunningham, Kim Dubree, Janice Duncan, Karen Engler, Stephanie Huffman, Travis Marler, Michael Orf, Juli Panza, Ximena Uribe-Zarain, Rose Lee, Sharon Lopinot
Dean Hough welcomed everyone. He was informed this week that there will be no equity increases for faculty and staff this year. President Smart and Provost Einhellig will be looking at the 60 job listings that were frozen to determine if any can move forward. Staff positions can be approved by the Dean. We are short on tech support but seem to be doing well. Even so, Dean Hough believes the College needs to address the issue of tech support. He is in favor of a full time position and two part-time positions. Let him know if you have any staff needs. The deans are working on the University’s Long Range Plan. Dean Hough would like everyone to look at the current COE Three-Year Strategic Plan and come up with a list of topics in the next week to discuss as a group in order to move forward. Rose will send the document to everyone. This will be discussed in a couple of weeks. Mizzou has eliminated their cooperative doctorate program (Ed.D.). Barri and Jef are in the process of forming a task force to work on this. Jef said his faculty are very supportive of this. Dean Hough will give the task force its charge on October 13, 2020.
Around the Zoom Room
Ximena Uribe-Zarain
She commented that Greenwood faculty are doing a great job with the students.
Kim Dubree
Dean Hough said he will look at the information she and Juli emailed him regarding restructuring of the Office of Professional Educational Services again and discuss with both of them soon.
Juli Panza
She has had inquiries regarding Study Away. Dean Hough said we will not be having any until the pandemic is over.
Travis Marler
He is starting the next annual reporting cycle.
Denise Cunningham
They are looking at their department promotion/tenure guidelines which expire this spring. She has had several instances of prospective students who want to come in and talk to her or someone from her department. They have a student coming in today.
Janice Duncan
Homecoming is this week. They held their Hamburger Fry last night on the MSU soccer field and it went well. The soccer game is tomorrow night and dance is Saturday night. Students will social distance and wear masks. They have some practicum students starting. Observation rooms are being used. Janice recommended that all practicum students have virtual exposure, a strong mental health component and coping mechanisms.
Russ Brock
Their consultants continue to work with districts, primarily virtually. They are also making sure school districts know they are available and asking how they can help them. The ATLL is in the process of securing private grant funding for a project to train teachers in Southwest Missouri to teach reading using the Science of Reading approach at the Pre-K through grade 2 levels. The project will involve nationally known reading experts to help train and coach teachers to implement this approach. If funded, it will be a five year grant focusing on school districts in Southwest Missouri who have fewer than 45% of their 3rd grade students reading at the proficient or advanced levels on the 3rd grade MAP test.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Submitted by Sharon Lopinot, Exec. Assistant II