College of Education
College Council
April 6, 2021
3:00 p.m. – Zoom
In attendance: Ching-Wen Chang (RFT, Chair), Sabrina Brinson (CEFS), Jennifer Grace (GLS), Kennedy Ongaga (CLSE), Abby Coffman (Student Rep)
Guest: Dr. Barri Tinkler, Interim Dean
Ching-Wen welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
The March 2, 2021 minutes were approved.
Dr. Barri Tinker, Interim Dean, attended the meeting to oversee the election of 2021-2022 College Council Chair.
Curricular Proposals
Election of College Council Chair
Ching-Wen Chang was elected Chair next year.
Appreciation to Council Members Who are Rotating Off
The Council members thanked Dr. Sabrina Brinson who has been a dedicated Council member for the past four years, and also thanked Abby Coffman, Council Student Representative, and wished her luck with her student teaching next year. Both were thanked for their service.
COE College Council Members 2021-2022
Ching-Wen Chang, RFT- Chair
Jennifer Grace, GLS
Kennedy Ongaga, CLSE
Chloe Bolyard, CEFS
First meeting next year: Tuesday, September 7, 2021
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
-Ching-Wen Chang