Call for Presentations
The Statewide Collaborative Diversity Conference is accepting proposals for presentations for the 2016 SCDC.
The Statewide Collaborative Diversity Conference (SCDC) is a three-day statewide best practice showcase scheduled for March 16-18, 2016. Anyone from any industry may submit presentations to showcase their best practice for diversity research, programs, training or intervention. The SCDC is designed to expand diversity networks and expertise, and to create a statewide community for enhanced recruitment and retention of underrepresented professionals, faculty and students.
Presentations should showcase best practices for any particular methodology, result, strategy or intervention in a core area.
Conference core areas:
Research represents initiatives that:
- Results in significant diversity findings
- Teaches how to conduct diversity research
- Utilizes research findings to create or implement new programs with best-practice-level results
Intervention represents initiatives that:
- Fosters holistic development of underrepresented populations
- Creates unique opportunities for success and/or progression for underrepresented populations
- Provides access to services historically denied to underrepresented populations
Cultural Competence represents initiatives that:
- Integrates culturally significant markers for increased productivity
- Demonstrates marked results from education about issues of diversity and equity
- Results in policy reconstruction associated with intercultural sensitivity and/or race relations
Training Methodology represents initiatives that:
- Transforms training environments into inclusive laboratories of learning
- Progresses traditional content delivery expertise into 21st century technological skillsets
- Positively affects personnel’s accountability for instruction to diverse learners
Criteria for selection of presentations:
- Does it support this year’s theme – “Inspiring commitment and driving collaboration”?
- Does it impact a diverse constituency?
- Does it provide a measurable service?
- Does it promote diversity education?
- Does it involve transformative or innovative components?Can it be used for continuing education units?Is it cost effective?
Presentation guidelines:
- No more than 2 pages in length
- 60-minute presentations (up to 45 minutes for presentation, 15 minutes Q&A
- Provide AV needs
- Presenters of selected proposals will be notified once all proposals have been reviewed.
How to submit a presentation proposal:
Complete and submit the 2016 SCDC Presentation Submission Form
Note: All selected presenters must register for the conference before their presentation will be added to the schedule.
Deadline for submissions:
October 26, 2015
Each proposal must indicate the core area it is intended to address on the submission form.
Hosted by Missouri State University Division for Diversity and Inclusion