To expand cultural consciousness and competence training at Missouri State, the Division for Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) and other organizations on campus developed efforts and training to be implemented throughout the year.
The expanded training includes curricular modifications, participation by the university leadership team in the Facing Racism Institute and increasing other cultural consciousness educational opportunities for faculty, staff and students.
These efforts are components of the 2020-2021 Action Plan section on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. They were developed by the DDI, Division of Student Affairs (DOSA), and the Office of the Provost and approved by the Administrative Council and Board of Governors.
Mini-diversity sessions
The DDI is collaborating with the office of the provost and the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning to develop Diversity Scholars under the leadership of DDI Diversity Fellow, Dr. Judith Martinez.
DDI will do this by having select faculty participate in mini-diversity sessions.
“Participating faculty will discover a variety of ways that faculty are enhancing diversity and inclusive practices in the classroom,” said H. Wes Pratt, assistant to the president/chief diversity officer. “These ideas will be shared with our academic community of faculty and students.”
Lectures by other guest speakers will be included in the sessions as well.
Scholars will be asked at the end of the sessions to showcase strategies to be applied in their courses, a description of implementation and a measurable assessment form of their objectives and outcomes.
The first session was held Sept. 23. It focused on inclusive practices in times of COVID-19. The workshop introduced a variety of practices that might be applied in the classroom while being mindful of everyone’s differences, backgrounds and needs.
Three more sessions are scheduled throughout the fall semester. All sessions are in the FCTL Conference Room 204 in Meyer Library and hosted by Dr. Judith Martinez.
Oct. 21, 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Social distancing vs physical distancing: Creating a community in our classroom
Share and exchange ideas and strategies to be intentional on maintaining a classroom sense of community while navigating both pandemics.
Nov. 18, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Microaggressions: Intent vs impact
This is an introductory workshop on understanding the basics of what a microaggression is and how it affects the recipients regardless of intent.
Dec. 2, 12:00 p.m.
Research-based projects and pedagogical strategies in my classroom
This will be a space for faculty to showcase intentional, inclusive practices that they chose to incorporate into their teaching.
Registration through MyLearning Connection is requested.
Learn more about the mini diversity workshops.
The Facing Racism Institute
The Facing Racism Institute is the area’s leading program for uncovering racism and understanding its impact on individuals and the workplace.
During the beginning of October, the Administrative Council, members of the Academic Leadership Council and members of the Board of Governors engaged in the one-day session of the Facing Racism Institute facilitated by Dr. Leslie Anderson and Dr. Lyle Q. Foster.
The athletics department and the West Plains campus administrators also are developing plans to each have their leadership teams participate in individual sessions.
“We also recommend that each college have their department heads participate in anti-racism training sessions during the academic year,” said Pratt.
Through presentation and exercises, participants engage in and build a shared understanding of racism together.
The session gives participants tools to create an inclusive workplace and community.