Sometimes, getting involved can be as simple as grabbing a couple of friends and heading to the library, as our guest blogger, Carlie K. found out last week when she attended the Meyer Open House:
“Friday, my roommate and I and a couple of girls from our floor went to the Meyer Library for a tour. None of us had been past the front doors of the library, so we thought it would be a good idea to go to this event where we could learn about what the entire library has to offer. This was no ordinary tour though, the staff was zombified. At first I was very confused, but the staff was fun and really useful. Of course like every other event I’ve attended at Missouri State there was free food and prizes, I could get used to this! We received a handout and instructions on where to go.
The handout had all the different areas the library has, and what you can find or do there. I had no idea the library could have so much useful resources and help for students. We went to nine different stations: Reference and Government Information Desk, Circulation Desk, Center for Learning and Writing (CLAW), Microforms and Copy Services, Music and Media Collections, Maps Collection, Curriculum Resource Center, Computer Services Lab and Special Collections and Archives.
If I did not go on this tour I would have never known about any of these services. Although I did mainly go on the tour for extra credit, I am very happy I went for future reference.”
Have you participated in an event or activity on campus that was entertaining or informative? Be a guest blogger!