Hope you all had a great break. We’re fully rested and ready to bring you info on all the great events coming up in the Spring 2012 semester. Don’t forget we’ve got Martin Luther King Jr. day on Monday and classes start up on Tuesday, January 17th.

On February 1st we’ll have 11th Annual Community Volunteer Fair. The event will feature approximately 50 Springfield area nonprofits discussing different volunteer and service-learning opportunities. Come and learn how you can make a difference in your community.
Bear Fit FREE Introductory Week lasts all week from January 17-23. Come check out Bear Fit classes for free. Register for more Bear Fit classes at http://www.missouristate.edu/recreation
Monday, January 16th
Martin Luther King Jr. day. No classes and offices closed.
Tuesday, January 17th
SAC Winter Welcome Week kicks off with a Hot Chocolate Giveaway from 11 AM – 1 PM. Come by for free hot chocolate in travel mugs.
Wednesday, January 18th

SAC Winter Week: First Ever Movie Roast featuring Twilight. Performers from the Skinny Improv will be roasting the film “Twilight”. So whether you’re a Twilight fan or not join us in the PSU Theater from 7 – 9 PM for a few laughs at the expense of Twilight.
Come out to IFC Recruitment Information Night to learn about Fraternity Life and specific fraternities at Missouri State. 6 – 8 PM at PSU Ballroom West.
Thursday, January 19th
Thursdays Winter Week event is After Hours: Skating at Mediacom Ice Park. Join us from 9 PM – 12 AM for free ice skating at Mediacom Ice Park. Catch one of the vans in front of Blair Shannon for a ride to the rink as well as a round of Cash Van on your trip.
Check out IFC Recruitment to meet the men of fraternities on campus and have some fun while bowling. The even is at Level 1 in the PSU from 6 – 8 PM.
Friday, January 20th
Wrap up Winter Week with a Concert Featuring Breathe Carolina. Featuring killer lead single “Blackout”–a bevy of 80s-tinged electro melodies and hip-shakingly infectious driving beats–every inch of the album “Hell Is What You Make It” is designed to grab you by the hand and drag you to the dancefloor.
MSU Athletics
- Men’s Basketball vs. Creighton at JQH Arena – 7:05 PM
- Swimming and Diving @ Drury – 5:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball @ Southern Illinois – 7:05 PM
- Swimming and Diving vs. William Jewell at Hammons Student Center – 4:00 PM
- Swimming and Diving @ Lindenwood Quad Meet – 1:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball @ Evansville – 2:00 PM
- Men’s Basketball @ Bradley – 7:00 PM
The Weekly Preview post will return to its regular Wednesday posting next week. Make sure to come back and see what else we have in store for you this semester!
If you would like your event featured on the eBulletin contact Jason Yingling (yingling017 AT live.missouristate.edu) or Julie Hill (JulieHill AT MissouriState.edu)