Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend for President’s Day. Even with the short week there is still plenty of great events going on around campus.
Resume Madness continues from 10 AM – 1 PM & 2 PM – 4 PM outside Glass Hall room 103 and in the First Floor Atrium of Strong Hall.

Presentations will be given to students preparing to graduate on how to more effectively present themselves to the job market at Life After Missouri State. The event takes place from 4 – 8 PM in the PSU Theater and features presentations on Resume Writing and Interview Skills, Financial Planning, Transitioning/How to Change Your Plan, and an Employer Panel. Please register for this event at http://www.missouristate.edu/dos/LAMS.htm
Usually we save the sports events for later in the post, but this Wednesday is the final Men’s Basketball regular season home game. Come out and support the Bears seniors as they take on Indiana State at 7:05 PM at JQH Arena.
The SAC Weekly Film of the week is The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. The film will play at 9 PM on Wednesday and Sunday in the PSU Theater. Free for students. Check out our preview.
Lee Mun Wah: An Unfinished Conversation events will take place throughout the day beginning with the Keynote: “What Stands Between Us” at 8 AM in the PSU Theater, followed by Student Dialogue Groups: “A Cross Gender/Race Conversation” at 9 AM in PSU West Ballroom, and culminating in the Film Showing & Discussion: “Last Chance for Eden” at 6:30 PM at Lay Hall Auditorium on the Drury University Campus.
SAC After Hours will be hosting Concert and Karaoke from 9 PM – 12 AM in the PSU Food Court. Local band Modern Epic will perform and after their performance there will be karaoke.

The second event in the MSU Master Filmmaker Series – Benoit Pilon will takes place in the PSU Theater from 7 – 9:30 PM with a screening of The Necessities of Life.
SAC PResents Rock ‘N Bowl from 7:30 – 10:30 PM offering free games in the Level 1 Game Center. It would be a great time to bowl some free games and check out the brand new chalk wall and make your mark on Level 1.
Catch the SAC Weekly Film if you missed it Wednesday.
Monday is unusually quiet next week.
SAC Presents: Miss America Debbye Turner in the PSU Theater from 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM. Debbye Turner will speak about the struggles she overcame to become Miss America and her life since.
MSU Athletics
- Men’s Basketball vs. Indiana State at JQH Arena – 7:05 PM
- Softball vs. Northern Iowa – Memphis, Tenn. – 10:00 AM
- Baseball @ Stephen F. Austin – Arlington, TX – 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball @ Indiana State – 6:05 PM
- Softball vs. Miami, OH & SEMO – Memphis, Tenn. – 9:00 AM & 8:00 PM
- Men’s Basketball @ Evansville – 1:05 PM
- Baseball @ UT Arlington – 3:00 PM
- Women’s Track @ State Farm MVC Indoor Track & Field Championships – TBA
- Baseball @ Houston Baptist – 11:00 AM
- Softball @ Western Illinois – Memphis, Tenn. – 1:00 PM
- Women’s Basketball @ Illinois State – 2:05 PM
- Women’s Track @ State Farm MVC Indoor Track & Field Championships – TBA
Monday & Tuesday
- Men’s Golf @ WSU/Snowman Getaway – All Day
Campus Recreation

Join Outdoor Adventures for an all-day CAVING TRIP Saturday, March 3rd! The $15 trip fee includes everything you’ll need- transportation, headlamp, guides, gloves, and a helmet. A free clinic for anyone interested is recommended on February 29th (register online by 2/28). Registration for the trip ends Thursday, March 1st. Hope to see you there!
How to Save a Life: Campus Recreation offers several opportunities for CPR/First Aid Certification. Thursday, March 8th at 1:30pm is your next chance. For more information, check online and register by March 2nd!
If you missed the first one, the Racquetball 2 Tournament is your chance to show off your skills. Registration ends THIS FRIDAY, so sign up soon!
Flag Football (4-on-4) & Softball Leagues are taking sign-ups now. Get your dream team together or register as a free agent. Both leagues begin March 5th and registration ends THIS FRIDAY as well.
Hoops! The Campus Rec Wellness program is offering a Sunday Hooping class beginning March 4th. The $30 fee includes 5 classes and registration ends next Thursday, March 1st.
Check out our website for detailed descriptions and schedules : http://www.missouristate.edu/recreation/. Fan us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on what’s happening with Campus Rec! http://www.facebook.com/msucampusrecreation

Tickets for Tarang 2012 are on sale at the following campus locations: The Multicultural Resource Center in PSU 141 (8 AM – 4 PM) and the ISA ticket booths on the second floor of hte PSU & Strong Hall.
Get your STAR Awards applications in by March 1st!
Tell Us About Your MSU Experience – MSU wants to improve the student experience, and you can help. Beginning February 14, a group of selected freshmen and seniors will receive an e-mail inviting them to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). For more information contact KellyCara@missouristate.edu.
Graduate Recruitment Weekend 2012 – Learn about the SAHE master’s program and interview for graduate assistantships on March 8-10. More information available on the website or Facebook. Deadline for graduate assistantship interviews is February 18.