John Yaeger graduated from Missouri State in May 2020. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in economics with a minor in political science, John is attending Washington University School of Law.
It was his study of economics that helped shape his interest in law.
“This has pushed me towards a career in law that is deeply entrenched in the financial sector,” Yaeger said.
This past summer he was a Summer Associate at Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York City. This is the premier law firm in the country for hedge funds.
Other opportunities John has experienced since graduating in 2020 include performing policy work at the Sixth Amendment Center that focused on the issue of indigent defense reform in the United States and externing at the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s office.
An externship is similar to an internship, but while an internship focuses on helping students to gain skills, an externship aims to give students an overview of a particular field.
“This involved working on criminal appeals, assisting with trial prep for murders, domestic assault cases, and sex crimes, and legal research,” explained Yaeger.
Study Economics at Missouri State
The MSU experience
John’s favorite economics class he took at Missouri State was Behavioral Economics taught by Dr. Flannery.
“Traditional Economics assumes that everyone is a rational actor, however, that is not the truth in the real world. The ability to consider the irrational decisions that we all make in Behavioral Economics was both interesting and has real-world applications,” said Yaeger.
John enjoyed studying in various offices in Strong Hall.
“During the academic year I spent most of my time in Strong Hall, and I will always be particularly fond of it,” said Yaeger. He completed research in the political science department and loved getting familiar with the various places to study.
For students in search of a similar place to study, the Economics Department has a student computer lab located in the Economics Department. This space is open to all economics students.
The thing John misses most about Springfield is the restaurant FD’s. “I visited the restaurant on a recommendation from Dr. Brown, and I have yet to have anyone recommend a better restaurant,” said Yaeger.
Advice for current students
“This advice applies beyond students studying economics. Make use of the alumni network that Missouri State has to offer. Speaking to alumni was something that I did not do, but I wish had. Meeting with alumni helps you to understand how they got to where they are and can help to guide you on where to focus your studies to be successful in the ever-changing economy,” said Yaeger.