In December 2024, 56 College of Education (COE) faculty and staff who had been working in the Park Central Office Building downtown moved to Hill Hall on the Missouri State University campus.
The COE is now centered in three key buildings: Hill Hall, the Child Development Center and Greenwood Laboratory School.
COE Dean Dr. Barri Tinkler has expressed her excitement at the recent move.
“It’s amazing to have more of our faculty and staff together in Hill Hall,” she said. “Given the 100-year history of this building and its ties to teacher education, it feels very meaningful to have everyone together in this building.”
Welcome back
The move from downtown brought key programs back to Hill Hall.
Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning
The headquarters for the Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning (ATLL) moved into room 312 along with its director, Dr. Chuck Garner. Thirty-two ATLL staff members are now in offices on the fourth floor.
Room 402 has been converted to an ATLL workshop room. Teachers will be able to attend professional development training in this room.
Project Access
The headquarters for Project Access includes the director Joan Armstrong, the administrative team and information technology support specialist. This office is now room 317. Other staff members of the Project Access team can be found on the fourth floor.
Room 447 will soon be converted from a computer lab to a Project Access workshop room. Teachers will be able to attend training in this room.
Location of schools
The COE’s two schools also moved.
School of Special Education, Leadership and Professional Studies
The School of Special Education, Leadership and Professional Studies’ (SELPS) main office is now on the third floor in room 318. The school director, Dr. Kayla Robinson, and her administrative team are also in that room. Other SELPS faculty and staff can be found on the third and fourth floors.
SELPS is home to these programs:
School of Teaching, Learning and Developmental Sciences
The School of Teaching, Learning and Developmental Sciences’ (TDLS) main office is now on the third floor in room 319. The school director, Dr. Minor Baker, and his administrative team are also in that room. Other TLDS faculty and staff can be found on the third and fourth floors.
TLDS is home to these programs: