“I offer humble thanks to my colleagues for their generosity in donatingart,” said Jacek Franczak, Assistant Professor of Art and Design. Visiting Joplin as a photographer, Professor Fraczak “was stunned by the extent of the destruction,” which inspired him to organize the art auction: “In my native Poland,” Fraczak noted, “we have experienced devastations of war, but never have I seen such a force of nature. The tornado taught me not just the power of nature, but the power of the American spirit in helping and rebuilding.”
Students from the Missouri State English Society joined in promoting the auction as part of their end-of-the-semester festivities. “I was proud of the way that our students pitched in,” said Dr. James S. Baumlin, Professor of English and the English Society faculty sponsor. “But,” Baumlin added, “it was truly a college-wide collaboration: students and faculty in Music, Art and Design, Theatre and Dance, as well as in English gave of their time and talent.”
A check for $1,129 was presented to Chris Harmon, Chief Emergency Services Officer of the American Red Cross, Southern Missouri Region. “This donation really speaks to us about the compassion of our community, and in such a unique and creative way.” said Harmon.
With rebuilding efforts continuing, the need for further Joplin relief remains. “My colleague, Professor Fraczak, was one of the first professional photographers allowed in town to record the devastation, and his photographs have been on public display in Jefferson City,” said Baumlin, who added that “Fraczak has since revisited Joplin and is preparing a photographic history of the rebuilding. The Missouri State English Department will continue to collaborate with him in relief efforts, and I hope that we have the chance to publish his Joplin photography in book form.”
[Photograph: Red Cross CESO (L) receives a check from Lanette Cadle, Assistant Professor of English and faculty co-sponsor of the English Society. Professor Fraczak (R) holds a Joplin photograph that had been sold as part of the silent auction.]