Saturday, April 28, 2012, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Plaster Student Union 313, Missouri State University, Springfield
- Managing the People in Your Project
Tom Warren, Oklahoma State University - Why Microsoft SmartArt Is Neither but Might Be Useful Anyway
Mike Markel, Boise State University - Importance of and Techniques for Developing Job Search Portfolios
Steve Gerson, Johnson County Community College - Jobs in the Government Sector
Alyssa Parker, Defense Intelligence Agency - Want to Make a Big Impact? Join a Startup
Sarah Nord, Archer Foundation - Imagining the Future of Technical Editing
Carolyn Rude, Virginia Tech University - Is a PhD for Me?
Justin Kingery, East Carolina University
Rhonda Stanton, Texas Tech University
Casey White, Iowa State University - Student Poster Session
Student Registration
by April 24: $15
at the door: $20
(covers continental breakfast & lunch)
Non-student Registration
by April 24: $25
at the door: $30
(covers continental breakfast & lunch)
Leave registration at the front desk in Siceluff 215
by 4 pm April 24
or mail (to be received by April 24) to
Dr. Kris Sutliff, Department of English
Siceluff 215, MSU
Springfield, MO 65897
Make checks payable to MSU STC
and include email address and school/employer