Michael Czyzniejewski, Missouri State University’s newest Creative Writing Faculty member will be reading from his most recently published book, Chicago Stories, on Friday, October 26th at 7 p.m. in the PSU Theater. Chicago Stories is a collection of 40 dramatic fictions, written in the persona of famous Chicagoans. The range of stories is amazing featuring Mike’s sharp wit telling stories from the perspectives of Mrs. O’Leary and Rod Blagojevich and even Barack Obama. Mike will also be reading from some newer work as well!
“Michael Czyzniejewski encapsulates all of Chicago’s past, present and future with his big-shouldered prose, channeling Cubs Hall-of-Famer Ron Santo, former mayor Jane Byrne, and even the venerable Water Tower herself in voice both wise and funny.” —Allison Amend, author of Stations West
“An absurdist Chi-town Spoon River Anthology on crack, Mike Czyzniejewski’s Chicago Stories is an explosion of imagination, a relentless churn of intellect and wit. In true Chicago style, this book tells it straight to your face and pulls no punches.” —Alan Heathcock, author of VOLT