English students are invited to apply to the second annual MSU Undergraduate Literature Conference which will be held on April 22-23, 2016.
Purpose of Applying
At the literature conference, students who are selected will read their literature papers out loud to a group of peers and faculty. Participating in a conference is a great way for students to share their academic work and develop as a writer, researcher, and public speaker. It is also excellent preparation for a professional career or graduate school.
Application Process
To apply students need to fill out and email the submission form to Dr. Lanya Lamouria (llamouria@missouristate.edu) by midnight on Friday, March 18. Please type “ULC Submission” in the subject line of the email. Submission forms can be found on the English Department’s website.
For More Information or a Submission Form
Contact Dr. Lanya Lamouria (llamouria@missouristate.edu) or visit the event’s page on the English Department’s website.