Here is an update from the Creative Writing program with some exciting Alumni news, current student news, faculty news, and upcoming events with the Moon City Review.
Moon City Press News and Upcoming Events:
Our newly appointed Missouri Poet Laureate Karen Craigo is editing an anthology of Missouri poets for our state’s bicentennial, which is 2021. The book, to be published by Moon City Press, will be out early next year, featuring work by diverse Show-Me writers, a mix of established and emerging talents.
Moon City Reading Series, fall 2020: Facebook live event
Student Invitational Reading
Friday, November 20, 7:00 PM
Alumni news:
Liz Breazeale– Has won the Prairie Schooner Book Prize for her first book Extinction Events, just awarded an NEA Fellowship this year to work on her second book, which she’s described as “feminist body horror.”
Katlyn Minard– Her latest story was just featured in an anthology and she has an interview feature on the Train River journal website, which you can find more information about on the department Facebook page.
Sydney Hinton– Is getting her MFA at Cal State Fresno and is an editorial assistant at The Normal School literary magazine.
Brenna Womer– Has published two books and is now teaching this fall at the University of New Orleans as a Visiting Assistant Professor. She is also working as an editor for Story Magazine.
Kaycie SurrellIs– getting her MFA at the School of the Art Institute at Chicago.
Bailey Moore– just published an essay with Donald Quist in the latest issue of AGNI and just started her Ph.D. at Mizzou this fall.
Amanda Hadlock– Has just started her MFA fully funded at Florida State University, has recent publications.
Brandon Henry– Is getting his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, had poems published and read for the Bay Area collective Quiet Lightning, as part of their 6th annual Poetry in the Parks event.
Current Student News:
Emily Lewandowski– Just published comics at Hobart Magazine. This work was featured on the department’s Facebook page.
Amanda Vineyard– Has just published her first essay “Basic Recovery” in Matter Press. look for this soon on the department Facebook page.
Sujash Islam Purna– Has just published his poems in Poetry Salzburg Review, Moonstone Arts Center Press, Kansas City Voices, Rigorous Magazine, Gyroscope Review, River & South Review, Bengaluru Review, Plainsongs, Bowery Gothic, and has recent poems accepted in Watershed Review, Vancouver Poetry House, UnSung Literary Magazine.
Sujash has also had a chapbook of his poems, Epidemic of Nostalgia, accepted for publication by Finishing Line Press.
Faculty News:
Joel Coltharp– Was interviewed in Carve Magazine (February 11, 2020).
Michael Czyzniejewski– Has published flash fiction in Boulevard and in Okay Donkey (2020).
Jennifer Murvin– Has published a graphic narrative in The Southampton Review (Winter/Spring 2020).