We have been advised of the following:
Due to an issue with the Boilers at the Power House, temperatures in some rooms in the following Facilities may be cooler than usual: Strong Hall, Meyer Library, Freudenberger House, Wells House, Kemper Hall, Carrington Hall, and Foster Family Recreation Center. We expect to have service fully restored prior to Friday August 7th.
*Please note the following additions to above notice: Greenwood Lab School, Hill Hall, Karls Hall, Plaster Stadium, Pummill Hall and Siceluff Hall, temperatures in some rooms may be cooler than usual also, due to the issue with the Boilers at the Power House, the expected restore date remains prior to Friday, August 7th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Work Management at 6-8400 or via email at workmanagement@missouristate.edu. Thank you.